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S2 E-Portfolios

STAFF Information sheet

The Maths department have saved around 350 this year by placing pupil homework and revision materials onto the schools What are they? Website. E-portfolios are an electronic means to store examples of pupils best work. The system also forms the basis of a pupil profile, providing pupils with opportunities to reflect on their learning and educational experiences. Built on the recommendations of the Building the Curriculum 5 document the e-portfolio system should support staff in their delivery of a Curriculum for Excellence and assist pupils in becoming more successful learners. By storing pupils work electronically evidence can be stored using a variety of media including; Microsoft Office, Video, Audio recordings or pictures.

Building the Curriculum 5

Progress will be summarised and reported at key stages as a pupil profile. A profile is a simple snapshot of a child or young persons best achievements at a given point in time. A pupil profile will include:

Staff Responsibilities
The role of staff will be to facilitate the e-portfolios and profiles by: Directing pupils to use the system through regular on-going dialogue on what might represent the pupils best work (in your subject) Provide appropriate opportunities for pupils to collect evidence, or reflect on their learning to form the basis of their e-portfolio work (Ownership and responsibility to upload and manage the e-portfolios will remain with the pupils)





information on progress and achievement across curricular areas in relation to appropriate experiences and outcomes at a particular point information on progress and achievement in literacy and numeracy, and in health and wellbeing a learners statement, outlining his or her best achievements in or out of school a record of qualifications and awards.

Is it Safe?

Why Not?
Set pupils a homework task to review a topic the class has recently covered -this may form the basis of an e-portfolio entry where the pupil reflects on their learning and considers how it might be used in a real life context.

The e-Portfolios will be hosted on the GLOW education site. GLOW is an intranet site developed with the Scottish Government exclusively for the use of schools. Content does not appear on the web and cannot be searched for by any search engines such as GOOGLE. Materials can only be viewed by accessing the GLOW site and entering a unique username and password.

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