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Executive Summary The purpose of the Final Project is to examine the ways in which a job posting system for

Kwantlen Polytechnic University could be incorporated. In our job posting system, we will allow a certain organization to create a job posting for which users can submit their applications. Kwantlen would benefit from this system because it would allow them to simply and easily post information about jobs currently available. The Final project consists of many individual items from earlier assignments, which are essentially being put together in our final project. We started with the discovery of what exactly it would require to complete this job posting system, and what things are functional requirements as opposed to design implementations. Next we developed a use case diagram explaining what exactly the system would accomplish, and how it would accomplish this. We then created a class diagram being sure to correctly identify parent classes and inheritance. Lastly we developed an ERD or Entity Relationship Diagram to show the entities and their relationships. We will explore the requirements needed for the completion of each component, as well as any problems we had along the way. Our final project will consist of all of the above components plus changes based on feedback we had received or solutions to problems we encountered while in the design phase of the components. When all the components of our final project are complete, we will assemble them being sure to relate each component to its predecessor and also to each component that comes after it. We will also design and implement the screens and

graphical user interface for the Job Posting System, as well as design a correct database being sure to take into account first normal form, second normal form and third normal form. This newly created Job Posting System, or Job Board, would allow quick access of the currently available jobs within Kwantlen, and it would allow the creation of new ones at a much quicker pace than before. The Job Posting System would also allow the rapid application to each job being posted based on the inform application property. The user essentially searches for a job, selects apply and everything is set out for them already.

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