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ABSTRACT This research is about the role of effective communication in delivering Performance Management in Nigerian industry.

Management and communication are inseparable, as it is the pivot in which activities of the various department relates to enhance industrial, growth, productivity and harmony within the industry. The research will consist of six chapters which consist of the Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Findings and Data analysis, Conclusion and the last chapter will be a reflection of the dissertation process. The methodology employed in this research will be based on secondary and primary data. Secondary data will consist of books, journals, documented articles, publications from company website and any other which might be useful in conducting the research. The primary data will be based on closed ended questionnaires and will be distributed within the management of the industry. Also, the research will examine the overall importance of communication to the development and effectiveness of any organisation. It will explore the strengths, impacts, skills and barriers to effective communication within the Industry. Finally, based on the synthesis of available literature on communication in relation to management performance, suggestions will be made for the improvement of performance management within the banking industry in Nigeria.

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