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Being a model comes at different prices. As I have stated in my earlier post.

The difference between this post and last one is I am going to focus more on models and their stories. In todays blog I am going to talk ab0out the Barbi Twins. These twins were playmates and looked at as well Barbies! The fact that their last names were Barbi was just a coincidence. Shane and Sia emerged around the 1990s and because of their curvy body they became very popular. However they say that they put themselves through hell just to please the public! Theyd starve themselves then eat great feasts and then purge their bodies by vomiting and laxatives. You see the issue with doing all of this is it puts so much stress on the body and with extreme cases of what they were doing it caused Sia to go into cardiac arrest. She took 100 laxatives at one point and part of her body became overdosed. Such cases can dehydrate the body and especially with them exercising more than 10 hours a week. Obviously this isnt healthy need I need to elabo0rate anymore? Destroying your body just to fit in is not something anyone should do! Look yourself in the mirror and tell you self you are beautiful and fearfully made! There is nothing wrong with the way you look. So what if you are not a size nine or eight. If you have a weight goal and need to get healthy set that goal create a timeline and do it. Personally Ive recently been going to the gym and trying to stay healthy because I know I want to be around whenever I have children. But its important to make sure you are going about it in the right way. Eating healthy and wise, getting a daily dose of self-esteem and confidence, and exercising. I love how the Barbi twins overcame the adversity of being a pinup model. Works cited This site explained the secret to the famous Barbi twins that were so popular in the 1990s. They talk about their stuggles of being a model and having a disorder. They talked about how one of the sisters had to go into the hospital and had overdosed on laxatives. This interview also describes how they overcame their ugly secret and how they plan on living their lives from now on.

the other two cites are of pictures

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