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Warlord Skulsmasha

Ws 7 Bs 2 Strength 8 Toughness Wounds Initiative Attacks LD 4 4 4 5 10

185 pts

Wargear: tankbusta & stikkbomz, slugga, Skulsmashas Serprize, Big Big Choppa, Armour of Skulls

Skulsmashas Serprize and Big Big Choppa: the combined effect of these two items give Skulsmasha S8 and allow him to ignore armour saves in close combat. Armour of Skulls: forged from the armour of defeated foes, this incredibly durable piece of armour gives Skullsmasha a 3+ save along with a 4+ invulnerable save.

185 pts.
Armour sv 3+

pa, Armour of Skulls

ems give Skulsmasha

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