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George Shultz, the former U.S.

Secretary of State, and hundreds of others signed a letter to President Bill Clinton to act on the genocide in Bosnia. They called for NATO airstrikes. Clinton accepted and it was successful hundreds of lives were saved.

Part of the museum will be dedicated to the upstanders, with a display for each upstander with who they are and what they did.

Part of the museum will talk about the Muslim religion. Other parts will talk about what happened. Other parts will talk about the history leading up to the genocide. These are important to understand because if you dont you wont have as passionate feelings about it if you did.

I want people to remember what happened. If I dont create this museum people wont remember or understand what happened.

I would build it in Bosnia because thats where it happened. Also because the vast majority of the Bosnian population it Muslim. I think it would be best if it was built there.

It is going to be a museum. I would keep the outside simple but the inside will be great. Tile floors, make it very majestic. The people would walk through the door.

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