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Explain the role of Cavour in achieving Unification Cavour became Prime minister of Piedmont in 1852 with the aim

to make Piedmont politically liberal, economically progressive and financially stable in order to make Piedmont strong enough to assume leadership in the event of war with Austria. He had many progressive policies which contributed to the modernisation of Piedmont. Such as the increase in railway track and by the late 1850s Piedmonts 800km railway track consisted of a third of the peninsulas

He was smart enough to realise that Charles Albert claim in 1848 was a joke Cavour had diplomatic success in turning Garibaldis expedition in the south to both his and Victor Emmanuels advantage. As nationalist feeling was now running high and there was an overwhelming support for a united Italy In my opinion Cavour made the greatest contribution to Unification because of diplomatic methods in politic. Thus, avoiding whenever possible any revolutionary means

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