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SFDV3000 Laboratory

Lab 8 Firewall
Name: ID:

Objectives: Getting familiar with firewall and rules used in firewall.


Explain the following using your own words: a) Firewall

b) Firewall rules

2. Which is generally safer (from a security point of view), a firewall with a

default deny (discard) policy or a firewall with a default allow (forward) policy? Why?

SFDV3000 Laboratory
Write 2 firewall rules using the table below. a) Allow ALL to connect to the DNS server. The IP of our DNS server is You need to find out what port is used for DNS? b) Block ALL from connecting to your IP address on port 1024. You need to find out what is your local IP address? Action Source Hostname/IP Port(s) Destination Hostname/IP Port(s)

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