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Dwi Lutfi Nugroho 292008532 B Cross cultural Java and Palembang Over the years, I lived in salatiga I met

with various tribes of several regions in Indonesia, one of them is my friend's boarding house at salatiga. My friend came from palembang. Cultural differences are clearly visible between us is in terms of slang talk is different and attitude. Although we have different customs, languages and religion we respect each other. culture of people i met palembang south sumatera , he had the temper of hard and drinking alcohol is ordinary for them . my favorite is special meal often he brought from palembang south sumatera i e pempek . each year end he returned to palembang south sumatera and when home while she brought food typical from there we cook together and then eat pempek and other boarder As we gather together frequently talk about indigenous peoples in their respective regions for example, Baso palembang alus (kromo, Java) Baso Palembang Alus almost resembles in Javanese, I often assume that the language of Palembang is derived from Java. But basically it is not so, even on the contrary, the identity of the Palembang Malay-korabolasi two Javanese culture apart from Palembang history itself. According to local history sources I've read, the Sultanate of Palembang appears through a lengthy process and is closely related to the great kingdoms in Java, such as the Kingdom of Majapahit, Demak, Pajang, Mataram. Palembang (Malay/Sriwijaya) at the time of its Foundation is the forerunner laloe kingdoms on the island of Java. .

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