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Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Humanities

Department of English and American Studies

I Enjoy Fiction

Daniel Ganelin ID: 307744557 Introduction to British Culture Tutorial Mrs. Meyrav Koren-Kuik Date: 13th of December, 2010

I enjoy fiction. In this passage I will try to explain why I enjoy fictional writing by giving examples through a specific author. I will discuss the influence fictional writing had on my life and argue why it is important for people of all ages to read it. First, we should define the term Fiction. Wikipedia tells us that fiction is a narrative that isnt based on facts and is made up by the author. Fiction is extremely popular, since the most profitable authors are the ones who write fiction, such as Stephen King, Stephenie Meyer and J.K. Rowling. I got interested in fiction after my older sister introduced me to the Harry

Potter book series. Since then, I have been reading casually different genres of fiction. Ever since I started to read fiction, my vocabulary grew and I gained a better understanding of the language I was reading it in. Fictional writing can also be educational and it can teach its reader moral values. By reading Harry Potter, the reader will discover the meaning of friendship and loyalty as Rowling emphasizes their importance throughout the series. Other books might be based on true historical events or are set in a real environment and they could expand the readers knowledge on the subject. Fictional writing features many unforgettable characters that people idolize. Harry Potter became an idol that millions of people love and worship, even though he isnt a real person. As I grew up reading those books, so did the character of Potter grew with me, changing and becoming a grown person that has to deal with tough choices. In conclusion, I love fiction for the characters that the writers make up and for all the knowledge it has given me over the years. Fiction has the power to attract large

numbers of readers and to convey a message that might change a generation and give them a new perspective. Daniel Ganelin

Bibliography: Works Consulted list:

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. New York, America: Bloomsbury, 1997

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