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It is a king of the forest. It is strong and brave. Its babies are cubs. It is Simba. It lives in Artic.

It is black and white. It has got wings but it cant fly. Its name is Pingu. It likes walking in the park. It barks. It is mans best friend. Its name is Tramp, Lady or Pluto. It is a pet. It can climb trees. It doesnt like dogs. It loves milk. Its name is Garfield or Felix. It is very clever. It can speak. It is a bird. It lives in a jungle. Its name is Lago. It can swim well. It lives in water. It doesnt speak. Its name is Nemo. It loves grass. It is black and white. It gives milk. Its name is Milka.

It is brown and big. It likes honey. Its name is Pooh.

It is green. It is very slow. It lay eggs. Its name is Ninja... It is very tall. It lives in Africa. It is yellow with brown spots. Its name is Bridget or Melman. It lives in a jungle. It is clever. It likes bananas. Its name is Abu. It is white. It can be brown or black. It likes grass. It gives wool. Its name is Shawn. It likes jumping from tree to tree. It loves nuts. Its name is Benny, Chip or Scrat. It is intelligent. It swims and jumps. Its babies drink milk. Its name is Flipper.

It is small and fast. It is grey. It loves cheese. Its name is Mickey. It is pink and fat. It loves eating. Its name is Percy or Babe. It is brown. You can ride on it in desert. It drinks little. Its name is Humpy. It is green, long and strong. It has got sharp teeth. Its name is Tic Toc, Ben Ali or Lacoste. It lives on farms. It loves water. It is a bird. Its name is Donald. It is a big bird. It has got strong legs. It is a good runner. It cant fly. Its name is ............... It is brown. It looks like deer. It lives in the north. It eats leaves. It has got large antlers. Its name is Agate.

It is from Australia. It has a pocket for baby. Its name is Skippy. Its name is Roo & Kanga. It is green. It has big eyes. It loves hopping. Its name is Kermit or Mr Jeremy Fisher. It lives on farm. It lays eggs. Its babies are chicks and its husband is rooster. Its name is Paula. It is grey or brown. It has long ears. It loves hopping. Its name is Bugs Bunny. It lives in the sea. It is soft. It isnt a fish. It has got a lot of legs. Its name Oswald. It is brown. It can be white or black. You can ride it. Its name is Black Beauty. Its a big cat. It is orange with black stripes. It is fast and hungry. Its name is Shere Khan.

It lives in your garden. It has spines. When scared, it curls into a ball. Its name is Sonic. It looks like a horse in black and white pyjamas. Its name is Marty.

It loves water. It is grey. It is really fat. It is happy. Its name is Hyacinth. It is big and grey. You can ride it. It lives in Africa and India. It has big ears. Its name is Dumbo.

Ideas of playing dominoes: You can print this set twice three times
1. Rules find the animal and matching description 2. More fun the kid must make that animal sound to win a point

3. Pre intermediate students: they must say 3 more sentences about the animal and then they can win the point 4. Upper intermediate students they must talk about similar animal, or animal of the same family for 2 minutes (eg lion tiger cat panther..., panda koala - bear) 5. or they must compare the animal to an animal from country the student comes from use at least 5 comparatives 6. Advanced students must answer specific question about the animal to win the point such as : Is it a vertebrate, mammal? Where does it live? How many babies does it have? Is is carnivore / herbivore? (include advanced vocabulary) 7. Racing dominoes print 2 sets, one set on COLOUR paper. This is really fun kids work in two teams one kid from each team is a secretary. Secretary runs to the team, picks one domino card and runs back to the blackboard and places the domino at the right place and runs back to his/her team. Next student runs and places another card. The first team to get rid of all cards wins. Then teacher correct any mistakes (mistake = minus 5 points). So it is important to be fast AND correct :-D (this is my very invention !) SPECIAL RULES FOR ESLPRINTABLES !!!

Enjoy playing !

PS: for creative kids: ask them to make a special design sign from the cards! (make a train, tree, centipede, sun... ) -- the most creative team wins :-)

Feet Dominoes - How to Play Chicken Feet Dominos

By Nadamy, eHow Member

Chicken Feet Dominoes!!!

The game can be played with as many people as you want, but 2-5 people is usually the most comfortable number. The object of the game: Play all your dominoes first, and watch everyone else frown in poor sportsmanship with glory. :)

Difficulty: Moderately Easy Things Youll Need: Double 9 set w/55 dominoes, or Double 12 set with 91 dominoes
Step1 After mixing around or shuffling the dominoes, find the Double Zero Domino (This will be the first round. Each continuing round goes up a double number, and the game is claimed over whenever the last round is played on either a double 9 or a double 12 depending on which game set you use), and set it in the dead center of the table. This is called the "Starter Domino." Step2 Give seven tiles to each player (you can give 14 to each player if you're just playing with two players...goes quicker that way.) Step3 Put the rest of the dominoes into small piles in between each neighboring player for easy drawing and reaching. Some people try to be cute and call it the chicken yard or a barnyard, but I just call it a pile of dominoes... Step4 When you are ready to begin the game, each player takes a turn beginning a classic dominoe game as usual--four arms coming off the "Starter Domino." The "Starter Domino" should have all four arms created before a second tile can be place on an already existing arm--meaning that all players are stuck drawing from the piles til someone finds the last arm. If the correct tile is drawn on the first try, it can be palyed immdiately. If not, the next players draws and the game goes on. Step5 Continue to play around the four arms until someone plays a double. The double is layed crossways from the rest of the arm. The player declares "CHICKEN FOOT!" The special rules begin from here. Step6 Three tiles must be placed in front of the new double to make the rudimentary shape of a chicken's foot (hence the name...get it? get it?) These three tiles must be laid on the table by the other players before any one can play on any other arms in the game. If someone doesn't have it, they have to draw as in Step 4. Step7 Keeping playing the game til the tiles are gone. For courtesy's sake: a player can call "one tile left," or they can be a sneaky dirty player, not say anything, and hope no one notices. Step8 When the last tile is played, each player with tiles left in their hand has to count up points. Each dot on the tile is a point, and a double zero counts as 50 pts. (Sucks for that guy.) The game continues until someone goes past the perdetermined point accumulation stopping point, or until the last rounds is over--in this case the winner will be the person with the lowest score. Step9 Continue with each progressing round in the same fashion til someone wins!

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