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<?php /* Plugin Name: WP-Polls Plugin URI: Description: Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog.

You can easily inc lude a poll into your WordPress's blog post/page. WP-Polls is extremely customiz able via templates and css styles and there are tons of options for you to choos e to ensure that WP-Polls runs the way you wanted. It now supports multiple sele ction of answers. Version: 2.62 Author: Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan Author URI: */ /* Copyright 2009 Lester Chan (email : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ ### Load WP-Config File If This File Is Called Directly if (!function_exists('add_action')) { $wp_root = '../../..'; if (file_exists($wp_root.'/wp-load.php')) { require_once($wp_root.'/wp-load.php'); } else { require_once($wp_root.'/wp-config.php'); } } ### Create Text Domain For Translations add_action('init', 'polls_textdomain'); function polls_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain('wp-polls', false, 'wp-polls'); } ### Polls Table global $wpdb; $wpdb->pollsq = $wpdb->pollsa = $wpdb->pollsip Name $wpdb->prefix.'pollsq'; $wpdb->prefix.'pollsa'; = $wpdb->prefix.'pollsip';

### Function: Poll Administration Menu

add_action('admin_menu', 'poll_menu'); function poll_menu() { if (function_exists('add_menu_page')) { add_menu_page(__('Polls', 'wp-polls'), __('Polls', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls', 'wp-polls/polls-manager.php', '', plugins_url('wp-polls/images/p oll.png')); } if (function_exists('add_submenu_page')) { add_submenu_page('wp-polls/polls-manager.php', __('Manage Polls' , 'wp-polls'), __('Manage Polls', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls', 'wp-polls/polls-m anager.php'); add_submenu_page('wp-polls/polls-manager.php', __('Add Poll', 'w p-polls'), __('Add Poll', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls', 'wp-polls/polls-add.php') ; add_submenu_page('wp-polls/polls-manager.php', __('Poll Options' , 'wp-polls'), __('Poll Options', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls', 'wp-polls/polls-o ptions.php'); add_submenu_page('wp-polls/polls-manager.php', __('Poll Template s', 'wp-polls'), __('Poll Templates', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls', 'wp-polls/pol ls-templates.php'); add_submenu_page('wp-polls/polls-manager.php', __('Uninstall WPPolls', 'wp-polls'), __('Uninstall WP-Polls', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls', 'wp-p olls/polls-uninstall.php'); } } ### Function: Get Poll function get_poll($temp_poll_id = 0, $display = true) { global $wpdb, $polls_loaded; // Poll Result Link if(isset($_GET['pollresult'])) { $pollresult_id = intval($_GET['pollresult']); } else { $pollresult_id = 0; } $temp_poll_id = intval($temp_poll_id); // Check Whether Poll Is Disabled if(intval(get_option('poll_currentpoll')) == -1) { if($display) { echo stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_disable')); return; } else { return stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_disable')) ; } // Poll Is Enabled } else { // Hardcoded Poll ID Is Not Specified switch($temp_poll_id) { // Random Poll case -2: $poll_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_id FROM $wpdb->pollsq WHERE pollq_active = 1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); break; // Latest Poll case 0: // Random Poll if(intval(get_option('poll_currentpoll')) == -2) {

$random_poll_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_id FROM $wpdb->pollsq WHERE pollq_active = 1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $poll_id = intval($random_poll_id); if($pollresult_id > 0) { $poll_id = $pollresult_id; } elseif(intval($_POST['poll_id']) > 0) { $poll_id = intval($_POST['poll_i d']); } // Current Poll ID Is Not Specified } elseif(intval(get_option('poll_currentpoll')) == 0) { // Get Lastest Poll ID $poll_id = intval(get_option('poll_lates tpoll')); } else { // Get Current Poll ID $poll_id = intval(get_option('poll_curre ntpoll')); } break; // Take Poll ID From Arguments default: $poll_id = $temp_poll_id; } } // Assign All Loaded Poll To $polls_loaded if(empty($polls_loaded)) { $polls_loaded = array(); } if(!in_array($poll_id, $polls_loaded)) { $polls_loaded[] = $poll_id; } // User Click on View Results Link if($pollresult_id == $poll_id) { if($display) { echo display_pollresult($poll_id); return; } else { return display_pollresult($poll_id); } // Check Whether User Has Voted } else { $poll_active = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_active FROM $wpdb->p ollsq WHERE pollq_id = $poll_id"); $poll_active = intval($poll_active); $check_voted = check_voted($poll_id); if($poll_active == 0) { $poll_close = intval(get_option('poll_close')); } else { $poll_close = 0; } if(intval($check_voted) > 0 || (is_array($check_voted) && sizeof ($check_voted) > 0) || ($poll_active == 0 && $poll_close == 1)) { if($display) { echo display_pollresult($poll_id, $check_voted); return;

} else { return display_pollresult($poll_id, $check_voted ); } } elseif(!check_allowtovote() || ($poll_active == 0 && $poll_clo se == 3)) { $disable_poll_js = '<script type="text/javascript">jQuer y("#polls_form_'.$poll_id.' :input").each(function (i){jQuery(this).attr("disabl ed","disabled")});</script>'; if($display) { echo display_pollvote($poll_id).$disable_poll_js ; return; } else { return display_pollvote($poll_id).$disable_poll_ js; } } elseif($poll_active == 1) { if($display) { echo display_pollvote($poll_id); return; } else { return display_pollvote($poll_id); } } } } ### Function: Print Polls Stylesheets That Are Dynamic And jQuery At The Top add_action('wp_head', 'poll_head_scripts'); function poll_head_scripts() { $pollbar = get_option('poll_bar'); echo '<style type="text/css">'."\n"; if($pollbar['style'] == 'use_css') { echo '.wp-polls .pollbar {'."\n"; echo "\t".'margin: 1px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'font-size: '.($pollbar['height']-2).'px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'line-height: '.$pollbar['height'].'px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'height: '.$pollbar['height'].'px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'background: #'.$pollbar['background'].';'."\n"; echo "\t".'border: 1px solid #'.$pollbar['border'].';'."\n"; echo '}'."\n"; } else { echo '.wp-polls .pollbar {'."\n"; echo "\t".'margin: 1px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'font-size: '.($pollbar['height']-2).'px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'line-height: '.$pollbar['height'].'px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'height: '.$pollbar['height'].'px;'."\n"; echo "\t".'background-image: url(\''.plugins_url('wp-polls/image s/'.$pollbar['style'].'/pollbg.gif').'\');'."\n"; echo "\t".'border: 1px solid #'.$pollbar['border'].';'."\n"; echo '}'."\n"; } echo '</style>'."\n"; wp_print_scripts('jquery'); } ### Function: Enqueue Polls JavaScripts/CSS

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'poll_scripts'); function poll_scripts() { global $text_direction; if(@file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.'/polls-css.css')) { wp_enqueue_style('wp-polls', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/po lls-css.css', false, '2.50', 'all'); } else { wp_enqueue_style('wp-polls', plugins_url('wp-polls/polls-css.css '), false, '2.50', 'all'); } if('rtl' == $text_direction) { if(@file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH.'/polls-css-rtl.css')) { wp_enqueue_style('wp-polls-rtl', get_stylesheet_director y_uri().'/polls-css-rtl.css', false, '2.50', 'all'); } else { wp_enqueue_style('wp-polls-rtl', plugins_url('wp-polls/p olls-css-rtl.css'), false, '2.50', 'all'); } } $poll_ajax_style = get_option('poll_ajax_style'); $pollbar = get_option('poll_bar'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-polls', plugins_url('wp-polls/polls-js.js'), array ('jquery'), '2.50', true); wp_localize_script('wp-polls', 'pollsL10n', array( 'ajax_url' => plugins_url('wp-polls/wp-polls.php'), 'text_wait' => __('Your last request is still being processed. P lease wait a while ...', 'wp-polls'), 'text_valid' => __('Please choose a valid poll answer.', 'wp-pol ls'), 'text_multiple' => __('Maximum number of choices allowed: ', 'wp -polls'), 'show_loading' => intval($poll_ajax_style['loading']), 'show_fading' => intval($poll_ajax_style['fading']) )); } ### Function: Enqueue Polls Stylesheets/JavaScripts In WP-Admin add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'poll_scripts_admin'); function poll_scripts_admin($hook_suffix) { global $text_direction; $poll_admin_pages = array('wp-polls/polls-manager.php', 'wp-polls/pollsadd.php', 'wp-polls/polls-options.php', 'wp-polls/polls-templates.php', 'wp-poll s/polls-uninstall.php'); if(in_array($hook_suffix, $poll_admin_pages)) { wp_enqueue_style('wp-polls-admin', plugins_url('wp-polls/polls-a dmin-css.css'), false, '2.50', 'all'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-polls-admin', plugins_url('wp-polls/pollsadmin-js.js'), array('jquery'), '2.50', true); wp_localize_script('wp-polls-admin', 'pollsAdminL10n', array( 'admin_ajax_url' => plugins_url('wp-polls/polls-admin-aj ax.php'), 'text_direction' => ('rtl' == $text_direction) ? 'left' : 'right', 'text_delete_poll' => __('Delete Poll', 'wp-polls'), 'text_no_poll_logs' => __('No poll logs available.', 'wp -polls'), 'text_delete_all_logs' => __('Delete All Logs', 'wp-poll s'), 'text_checkbox_delete_all_logs' => __('Please check the

\\\'Yes\\\' checkbox if you want to delete all logs.', 'wp-polls'), 'text_delete_poll_logs' => __('Delete Logs For This Poll Only', 'wp-polls'), 'text_checkbox_delete_poll_logs' => __('Please check the \\\'Yes\\\' checkbox if you want to delete all logs for this poll ONLY.', 'wp-p olls'), 'text_delete_poll_ans' => __('Delete Poll Answer', 'wp-p olls'), 'text_open_poll' => __('Open Poll', 'wp-polls'), 'text_close_poll' => __('Close Poll', 'wp-polls'), 'text_answer' => __('Answer', 'wp-polls'), 'text_remove_poll_answer' => __('Remove', 'wp-polls') )); } } ### Function: Displays Polls Footer In WP-Admin add_action('admin_footer-post-new.php', 'poll_footer_admin'); add_action('admin_footer-post.php', 'poll_footer_admin'); add_action('admin_footer-page-new.php', 'poll_footer_admin'); add_action('admin_footer-page.php', 'poll_footer_admin'); function poll_footer_admin() { // Javascript Code Courtesy Of WP-AddQuicktag ( uicktags-de-plugin/120/) echo '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n"; echo '/* <![CDATA[ */'."\n"; echo "\t".'var pollsEdL10n = {'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'enter_poll_id: "'.js_escape(__('Enter Poll ID', 'wp-polls') ).'",'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'enter_poll_id_again: "'.js_escape(__('Error: Poll ID must b e numeric', 'wp-polls')).'\n\n'.js_escape(__('Please enter Poll ID again', 'wp-p olls')).'",'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'poll: "'.js_escape(__('Poll', 'wp-polls')).'",'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'insert_poll: "'.js_escape(__('Insert Poll', 'wp-polls')).'" '."\n"; echo "\t".'};'."\n"; echo "\t".'function insertPoll(where, myField) {'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'var poll_id = jQuery.trim(prompt(pollsEdL10n.enter_poll_id) );'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'while(isNaN(poll_id)) {'."\n"; echo "\t\t\t".'poll_id = jQuery.trim(prompt(pollsEdL10n.enter_poll_id_ag ain));'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'}'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'if (poll_id >= -1 && poll_id != null && poll_id != "") {'." \n"; echo "\t\t\t".'if(where == \'code\') {'."\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t".'edInsertContent(myField, \'[poll id="\' + poll_id + \'" ]\');'."\n"; echo "\t\t\t".'} else {'."\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t".'return \'[poll id="\' + poll_id + \'"]\';'."\n"; echo "\t\t\t".'}'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'}'."\n"; echo "\t".'}'."\n"; echo "\t".'if(document.getElementById("ed_toolbar")){'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'edButtons[edButtons.length] = new edButton("ed_poll",pollsE dL10n.poll, "", "","");'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'jQuery(document).ready(function($){'."\n"; echo "\t\t\t".'$(\'#qt_content_ed_poll\').replaceWith(\'<input type="but ton" id="qt_content_ed_poll" accesskey="" class="ed_button" onclick="insertPoll(

\\\'code\\\', edCanvas);" value="\' + pollsEdL10n.poll + \'" title="\' + pollsEd L10n.insert_poll + \'" />\');'."\n"; echo "\t\t".'});'."\n"; echo "\t".'}'."\n"; echo '/* ]]> */'."\n"; echo '</script>'."\n"; } ### Function: Add Favourite Actions >= WordPress 2.7 add_filter('favorite_actions', 'poll_favorite_actions'); function poll_favorite_actions($favorite_actions) { $favorite_actions['admin.php?page=wp-polls/polls-add.php'] = array(__('Ad d Poll', 'wp-polls'), 'manage_polls'); return $favorite_actions; } ### Function: Add Quick Tag For Poll In TinyMCE >= WordPress 2.5 add_action('init', 'poll_tinymce_addbuttons'); function poll_tinymce_addbuttons() { if(!current_user_can('edit_posts') && ! current_user_can('edit_pages')) { return; } if(get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') { add_filter("mce_external_plugins", "poll_tinymce_addplugin"); add_filter('mce_buttons', 'poll_tinymce_registerbutton'); } } function poll_tinymce_registerbutton($buttons) { array_push($buttons, 'separator', 'polls'); return $buttons; } function poll_tinymce_addplugin($plugin_array) { $plugin_array['polls'] = plugins_url('wp-polls/tinymce/plugins/polls/edi tor_plugin.js'); return $plugin_array; } ### Function: Check Who Is Allow To Vote function check_allowtovote() { global $user_ID; $user_ID = intval($user_ID); $allow_to_vote = intval(get_option('poll_allowtovote')); switch($allow_to_vote) { // Guests Only case 0: if($user_ID > 0) { return false; } return true; break; // Registered Users Only case 1: if($user_ID == 0) { return false; } return true;

break; // Registered Users And Guests case 2: default: return true; } } ### Funcrion: Check Voted By Cookie Or IP function check_voted($poll_id) { $poll_logging_method = intval(get_option('poll_logging_method')); switch($poll_logging_method) { // Do Not Log case 0: return 0; break; // Logged By Cookie case 1: return check_voted_cookie($poll_id); break; // Logged By IP case 2: return check_voted_ip($poll_id); break; // Logged By Cookie And IP case 3: $check_voted_cookie = check_voted_cookie($poll_id); if(!empty($check_voted_cookie)) { return $check_voted_cookie; } else { return check_voted_ip($poll_id); } break; // Logged By Username case 4: return check_voted_username($poll_id); break; } } ### Function: Check Voted By Cookie function check_voted_cookie($poll_id) { if(!empty($_COOKIE["voted_$poll_id"])) { $get_voted_aids = explode(',', $_COOKIE["voted_$poll_id"]); } else { $get_voted_aids = 0; } return $get_voted_aids; } ### Function: Check Voted By IP function check_voted_ip($poll_id) { global $wpdb; $log_expiry = intval(get_option('poll_cookielog_expiry')); $log_expiry_sql = ''; if($log_expiry > 0) { $log_expiry_sql = 'AND ('.current_time('timestamp').'-(pollip_ti

mestamp+0)) < '.$log_expiry; } // Check IP From IP Logging Database $get_voted_aids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT pollip_aid FROM $wpdb->pollsip WHERE pollip_qid = $poll_id AND pollip_ip = '".get_ipaddress()."' $log_expiry_sq l"); if($get_voted_aids) { return $get_voted_aids; } else { return 0; } } ### Function: Check Voted By Username function check_voted_username($poll_id) { global $wpdb, $user_ID; // Check IP If User Is Guest if (!is_user_logged_in()) { return 1; } $pollsip_userid = intval($user_ID); $log_expiry = intval(get_option('poll_cookielog_expiry')); $log_expiry_sql = ''; if($log_expiry > 0) { $log_expiry_sql = 'AND ('.current_time('timestamp').'-(pollip_ti mestamp+0)) < '.$log_expiry; } // Check User ID From IP Logging Database $get_voted_aids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT pollip_aid FROM $wpdb->pollsip WHERE pollip_qid = $poll_id AND pollip_userid = $pollsip_userid $log_expiry_sql" ); if($get_voted_aids) { return $get_voted_aids; } else { return 0; } } ### Function: Display Voting Form function display_pollvote($poll_id, $display_loading = true) { global $wpdb; // Temp Poll Result $temp_pollvote = ''; // Get Poll Question Data $poll_question = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT pollq_id, pollq_question, pollq_ totalvotes, pollq_timestamp, pollq_expiry, pollq_multiple, pollq_totalvoters FRO M $wpdb->pollsq WHERE pollq_id = $poll_id LIMIT 1"); // Poll Question Variables $poll_question_text = stripslashes($poll_question->pollq_question); $poll_question_id = intval($poll_question->pollq_id); $poll_question_totalvotes = intval($poll_question->pollq_totalvotes); $poll_question_totalvoters = intval($poll_question->pollq_totalvoters); $poll_start_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s', 'wp-polls'), get_opt ion('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $poll_ques tion->pollq_timestamp)); $poll_expiry = trim($poll_question->pollq_expiry); if(empty($poll_expiry)) { $poll_end_date = __('No Expiry', 'wp-polls');

} else { $poll_end_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s', 'wp-polls'), get_option('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $po ll_expiry)); } $poll_multiple_ans = intval($poll_question->pollq_multiple); $template_question = stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_voteheader') ); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_QUESTION%", $poll_question_text, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $poll_question_id, $templa te_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTES%", $poll_question_tot alvotes, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%", $poll_question_to talvoters, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $poll_start_date, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_end_date, $tem plate_question); if($poll_multiple_ans > 0) { $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%", $pol l_multiple_ans, $template_question); } else { $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%", '1', $template_question); } // Get Poll Answers Data $poll_answers = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT polla_aid, polla_answers, pol la_votes FROM $wpdb->pollsa WHERE polla_qid = $poll_question_id ORDER BY ".get_o ption('poll_ans_sortby').' '.get_option('poll_ans_sortorder')); // If There Is Poll Question With Answers if($poll_question && $poll_answers) { // Display Poll Voting Form $temp_pollvote .= "<div id=\"polls-$poll_question_id\" class=\"w p-polls\">\n"; $temp_pollvote .= "\t<form id=\"polls_form_$poll_question_id\" c lass=\"wp-polls-form\" action=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."\" method=\"post\">\n"; $temp_pollvote .= "\t\t<p style=\"display: none;\"><input type=\ "hidden\" name=\"poll_id\" value=\"$poll_question_id\" /></p>\n"; if($poll_multiple_ans > 0) { $temp_pollvote .= "\t\t<p style=\"display: none;\"><inpu t type=\"hidden\" id=\"poll_multiple_ans_$poll_question_id\" name=\"poll_multipl e_ans_$poll_question_id\" value=\"$poll_multiple_ans\" /></p>\n"; } // Print Out Voting Form Header Template $temp_pollvote .= "\t\t$template_question\n"; foreach($poll_answers as $poll_answer) { // Poll Answer Variables $poll_answer_id = intval($poll_answer->polla_aid); $poll_answer_text = stripslashes($poll_answer->polla_ans wers); $poll_answer_votes = intval($poll_answer->polla_votes); $template_answer = stripslashes(get_option('poll_templat e_votebody')); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $poll_questi on_id, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_ID%", $poll _answer_id, $template_answer);

$template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER%", $poll_an swer_text, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_VOTES%", nu mber_format_i18n($poll_answer_votes), $template_answer); if($poll_multiple_ans > 0) { $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_CHECKBOX_R ADIO%", 'checkbox', $template_answer); } else { $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_CHECKBOX_R ADIO%", 'radio', $template_answer); } // Print Out Voting Form Body Template $temp_pollvote .= "\t\t$template_answer\n"; } // Determine Poll Result URL $poll_result_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $poll_result_url = preg_replace('/pollresult=(\d+)/i', 'pollresu lt='.$poll_question_id, $poll_result_url); if(isset($_GET['pollresult']) && intval($_GET['pollresult']) == 0) { if(strpos($poll_result_url, '?') !== false) { $poll_result_url = "$poll_result_url&amp;pollres ult=$poll_question_id"; } else { $poll_result_url = "$poll_result_url?pollresult= $poll_question_id"; } } // Voting Form Footer Variables $template_footer = stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_votefo oter')); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $poll_question_id, $ template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_RESULT_URL%", $poll_result _url, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $poll_start_ date, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_end_date , $template_footer); if($poll_multiple_ans > 0) { $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%" , $poll_multiple_ans, $template_footer); } else { $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%" , '1', $template_footer); } // Print Out Voting Form Footer Template $temp_pollvote .= "\t\t$template_footer\n"; $temp_pollvote .= "\t</form>\n"; $temp_pollvote .= "</div>\n"; if($display_loading) { $poll_ajax_style = get_option('poll_ajax_style'); if(intval($poll_ajax_style['loading']) == 1) { $temp_pollvote .= "<div id=\"polls-$poll_questio n_id-loading\" class=\"wp-polls-loading\"><img src=\"".plugins_url('wp-polls/ima ges/loading.gif')."\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"".__('Loading', 'wp-polls ')." ...\" title=\"".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...\" class=\"wp-polls-image\" />&nbsp;".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...</div>\n"; } }

} else { $temp_pollvote .= stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_disable ')); } // Return Poll Vote Template return $temp_pollvote; } ### Function: Display Results Form function display_pollresult($poll_id, $user_voted = '', $display_loading = true) { global $wpdb; $poll_id = intval($poll_id); // User Voted if(!is_array($user_voted)) { $user_voted = array(); } // Temp Poll Result $temp_pollresult = ''; // Most/Least Variables $poll_most_answer = ''; $poll_most_votes = 0; $poll_most_percentage = 0; $poll_least_answer = ''; $poll_least_votes = 0; $poll_least_percentage = 0; // Get Poll Question Data $poll_question = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT pollq_id, pollq_question, pollq_ totalvotes, pollq_active, pollq_timestamp, pollq_expiry, pollq_multiple, pollq_t otalvoters FROM $wpdb->pollsq WHERE pollq_id = $poll_id LIMIT 1"); // Poll Question Variables $poll_question_text = stripslashes($poll_question->pollq_question); $poll_question_id = intval($poll_question->pollq_id); $poll_question_totalvotes = intval($poll_question->pollq_totalvotes); $poll_question_totalvoters = intval($poll_question->pollq_totalvoters); $poll_question_active = intval($poll_question->pollq_active); $poll_start_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s', 'wp-polls'), get_opt ion('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $poll_ques tion->pollq_timestamp)); $poll_expiry = trim($poll_question->pollq_expiry); if(empty($poll_expiry)) { $poll_end_date = __('No Expiry', 'wp-polls'); } else { $poll_end_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s', 'wp-polls'), get_option('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $po ll_expiry)); } $poll_multiple_ans = intval($poll_question->pollq_multiple); $template_question = stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_resultheader ')); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_QUESTION%", $poll_question_text, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $poll_question_id, $templa te_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTES%", $poll_question_tot alvotes, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%", $poll_question_to talvoters, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $poll_start_date,

$template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_end_date, $tem plate_question); if($poll_multiple_ans > 0) { $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%", $pol l_multiple_ans, $template_question); } else { $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%", '1', $template_question); } // Get Poll Answers Data $poll_answers = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT polla_aid, polla_answers, pol la_votes FROM $wpdb->pollsa WHERE polla_qid = $poll_question_id ORDER BY ".get_o ption('poll_ans_result_sortby').' '.get_option('poll_ans_result_sortorder')); // If There Is Poll Question With Answers if($poll_question && $poll_answers) { // Store The Percentage Of The Poll $poll_answer_percentage_array = array(); // Is The Poll Total Votes 0? $poll_totalvotes_zero = true; if($poll_question_totalvotes > 0) { $poll_totalvotes_zero = false; } // Print Out Result Header Template $temp_pollresult .= "<div id=\"polls-$poll_question_id\" class=\ "wp-polls\">\n"; $temp_pollresult .= "\t\t$template_question\n"; foreach($poll_answers as $poll_answer) { // Poll Answer Variables $poll_answer_id = intval($poll_answer->polla_aid); $poll_answer_text = stripslashes($poll_answer->polla_ans wers); $poll_answer_votes = intval($poll_answer->polla_votes); $poll_answer_percentage = 0; $poll_answer_imagewidth = 0; // Calculate Percentage And Image Bar Width if(!$poll_totalvotes_zero) { if($poll_answer_votes > 0) { $poll_answer_percentage = round((($poll_ answer_votes/$poll_question_totalvoters)*100)); $poll_answer_imagewidth = round($poll_an swer_percentage); if($poll_answer_imagewidth == 100) { $poll_answer_imagewidth = 99; } } else { $poll_answer_percentage = 0; $poll_answer_imagewidth = 1; } } else { $poll_answer_percentage = 0; $poll_answer_imagewidth = 1; } // Make Sure That Total Percentage Is 100% By Adding A B uffer To The Last Poll Answer if($poll_multiple_ans == 0) { $poll_answer_percentage_array[] = $poll_answer_p ercentage; if(sizeof($poll_answer_percentage_array) == size of($poll_answers)) {

$percentage_error_buffer = 100 - array_s um($poll_answer_percentage_array); $poll_answer_percentage = $poll_answer_p ercentage + $percentage_error_buffer; if($poll_answer_percentage < 0) { $poll_answer_percentage = 0; } } } // Let User See What Options They Voted if(in_array($poll_answer_id, $user_voted)) { // Results Body Variables $template_answer = stripslashes(get_option('poll _template_resultbody2')); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $pol l_question_id, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_ID% ", $poll_answer_id, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER%", $poll_answer_text, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_TEX T%", htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($poll_answer_text)), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_VOT ES%", number_format_i18n($poll_answer_votes), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_PER CENTAGE%", $poll_answer_percentage, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_IMA GEWIDTH%", $poll_answer_imagewidth, $template_answer); // Print Out Results Body Template $temp_pollresult .= "\t\t$template_answer\n"; } else { // Results Body Variables $template_answer = stripslashes(get_option('poll _template_resultbody')); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $pol l_question_id, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_ID% ", $poll_answer_id, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER%", $poll_answer_text, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_TEX T%", htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($poll_answer_text)), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_VOT ES%", number_format_i18n($poll_answer_votes), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_PER CENTAGE%", $poll_answer_percentage, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_IMA GEWIDTH%", $poll_answer_imagewidth, $template_answer); // Print Out Results Body Template $temp_pollresult .= "\t\t$template_answer\n"; } // Get Most Voted Data if($poll_answer_votes > $poll_most_votes) { $poll_most_answer = $poll_answer_text; $poll_most_votes = $poll_answer_votes; $poll_most_percentage = $poll_answer_percentage; } // Get Least Voted Data if($poll_least_votes == 0) { $poll_least_votes = $poll_answer_votes;

} if($poll_answer_votes <= $poll_least_votes) { $poll_least_answer = $poll_answer_text; $poll_least_votes = $poll_answer_votes; $poll_least_percentage = $poll_answer_percentage ; } } // Results Footer Variables if(!empty($user_voted) || $poll_question_active == 0 || !check_a llowtovote()) { $template_footer = stripslashes(get_option('poll_templat e_resultfooter')); } else { $template_footer = stripslashes(get_option('poll_templat e_resultfooter2')); } $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $poll_start_ date, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_end_date , $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $poll_question_id, $ template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTES%", number_forma t_i18n($poll_question_totalvotes), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%", number_form at_i18n($poll_question_totalvoters), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_ANSWER%", $poll_most_ answer, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_VOTES%", number_forma t_i18n($poll_most_votes), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_PERCENTAGE%", $poll_m ost_percentage, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_ANSWER%", $poll_leas t_answer, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_VOTES%", number_form at_i18n($poll_least_votes), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_PERCENTAGE%", $poll_ least_percentage, $template_footer); if($poll_multiple_ans > 0) { $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%" , $poll_multiple_ans, $template_footer); } else { $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX%" , '1', $template_footer); } // Print Out Results Footer Template $temp_pollresult .= "\t\t$template_footer\n"; $temp_pollresult .= "</div>\n"; if($display_loading) { $poll_ajax_style = get_option('poll_ajax_style'); if(intval($poll_ajax_style['loading']) == 1) { $temp_pollresult .= "<div id=\"polls-$poll_quest ion_id-loading\" class=\"wp-polls-loading\"><img src=\"".plugins_url('wp-polls/i mages/loading.gif')."\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"".__('Loading', 'wp-pol ls')." ...\" title=\"".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...\" class=\"wp-polls-image\ " />&nbsp;".__('Loading', 'wp-polls')." ...</div>\n"; } } } else {

$temp_pollresult .= stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_disab le')); } // Return Poll Result return $temp_pollresult; } ### Function: Get IP Address if(!function_exists('get_ipaddress')) { function get_ipaddress() { if (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } else { $ip_address = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } if(strpos($ip_address, ',') !== false) { $ip_address = explode(',', $ip_address); $ip_address = $ip_address[0]; } return esc_attr($ip_address); } } ### Function: Short Code For Inserting Polls Archive Into Page add_shortcode('page_polls', 'poll_page_shortcode'); function poll_page_shortcode($atts) { return polls_archive(); } ### Function: Short Code For Inserting Polls Into Posts add_shortcode('poll', 'poll_shortcode'); function poll_shortcode($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => 0, 'type' => 'vote'), $atts)); if(!is_feed()) { $id = intval($id); if($type == 'vote') { return get_poll($id, false); } elseif($type == 'result') { return display_pollresult($id); } } else { return __('Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, plea se visit the site to participate in this post\'s poll.', 'wp-polls'); } } ### Function: Get Poll Question Based On Poll ID if(!function_exists('get_poll_question')) { function get_poll_question($poll_id) { global $wpdb; $poll_id = intval($poll_id); $poll_question = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_question FROM $wpd b->pollsq WHERE pollq_id = $poll_id LIMIT 1"); return stripslashes($poll_question); } }

### Function: Get Poll Total Questions if(!function_exists('get_pollquestions')) { function get_pollquestions($display = true) { global $wpdb; $totalpollq = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(pollq_id) FROM $wpdb->pollsq")); if($display) { echo $totalpollq; } else { return $totalpollq; } } } ### Function: Get Poll Total Answers if(!function_exists('get_pollanswers')) { function get_pollanswers($display = true) { global $wpdb; $totalpolla = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(polla_aid) FRO M $wpdb->pollsa")); if($display) { echo $totalpolla; } else { return $totalpolla; } } } ### Function: Get Poll Total Votes if(!function_exists('get_pollvotes')) { function get_pollvotes($display = true) { global $wpdb; $totalvotes = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(pollq_totalvotes ) FROM $wpdb->pollsq")); if($display) { echo $totalvotes; } else { return $totalvotes; } } } ### Function: Get Poll Total Voters if(!function_exists('get_pollvoters')) { function get_pollvoters($display = true) { global $wpdb; $totalvoters = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(pollq_totalvote rs) FROM $wpdb->pollsq")); if($display) { echo $totalvoters; } else { return $totalvoters; } } }

### Function: Check Voted To Get Voted Answer function check_voted_multiple($poll_id, $polls_ips) { if(!empty($_COOKIE["voted_$poll_id"])) { return explode(',', $_COOKIE["voted_$poll_id"]); } else { if($polls_ips) { return $polls_ips; } else { return array(); } } } ### Function: Polls Archive Link function polls_archive_link($page) { $polls_archive_url = get_option('poll_archive_url'); if($page > 0) { if(strpos($polls_archive_url, '?') !== false) { $polls_archive_url = "$polls_archive_url&amp;poll_page=$ page"; } else { $polls_archive_url = "$polls_archive_url?poll_page=$page "; } } return $polls_archive_url; } ### Function: Displays Polls Archive Link function display_polls_archive_link($display = true) { $template_pollarchivelink = stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_polla rchivelink')); $template_pollarchivelink = str_replace("%POLL_ARCHIVE_URL%", get_option ('poll_archive_url'), $template_pollarchivelink); if($display) { echo $template_pollarchivelink; } else{ return $template_pollarchivelink; } } ### Function: Display Polls Archive function polls_archive() { global $wpdb, $in_pollsarchive; // Polls Variables $in_pollsarchive = true; $page = intval($_GET['poll_page']); $polls_questions = array(); $polls_answers = array(); $polls_ip = array(); $polls_perpage = intval(get_option('poll_archive_perpage')); $poll_questions_ids = '0'; $poll_voted = false; $poll_voted_aid = 0; $poll_id = 0;

$pollsarchive_output_archive = ''; $polls_type = intval(get_option('poll_archive_displaypoll')); $polls_type_sql = ''; // Determine What Type Of Polls To Show switch($polls_type) { case 1: $polls_type_sql = 'pollq_active = 0'; break; case 2: $polls_type_sql = 'pollq_active = 1'; break; case 3: $polls_type_sql = 'pollq_active IN (0,1)'; break; } // Get Total Polls $total_polls = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(pollq_id) FROM $wpdb->pollsq WHERE $polls_type_sql AND pollq_active != -1"); // Calculate Paging $numposts = $total_polls; $perpage = $polls_perpage; $max_page = ceil($numposts/$perpage); if(empty($page) || $page == 0) { $page = 1; } $offset = ($page-1) * $perpage; $pages_to_show = 10; $pages_to_show_minus_1 = $pages_to_show-1; $half_page_start = floor($pages_to_show_minus_1/2); $half_page_end = ceil($pages_to_show_minus_1/2); $start_page = $page - $half_page_start; if($start_page <= 0) { $start_page = 1; } $end_page = $page + $half_page_end; if(($end_page - $start_page) != $pages_to_show_minus_1) { $end_page = $start_page + $pages_to_show_minus_1; } if($end_page > $max_page) { $start_page = $max_page - $pages_to_show_minus_1; $end_page = $max_page; } if($start_page <= 0) { $start_page = 1; } if(($offset + $perpage) > $numposts) { $max_on_page = $numposts; } else { $max_on_page = ($offset + $perpage); } if (($offset + 1) > ($numposts)) { $display_on_page = $numposts; } else { $display_on_page = ($offset + 1); } // Get Poll Questions $questions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->pollsq WHERE $poll s_type_sql ORDER BY pollq_id DESC LIMIT $offset, $polls_perpage");

if($questions) { foreach($questions as $question) { $polls_questions[] = array('id' => intval($question->pol lq_id), 'question' => stripslashes($question->pollq_question), 'timestamp' => $q uestion->pollq_timestamp, 'totalvotes' => intval($question->pollq_totalvotes), ' start' => $question->pollq_timestamp, 'end' => trim($question->pollq_expiry), 'm ultiple' => intval($question->pollq_multiple), 'totalvoters' => intval($question ->pollq_totalvoters)); $poll_questions_ids .= intval($question->pollq_id).', '; } $poll_questions_ids = substr($poll_questions_ids, 0, -2); } // Get Poll Answers $answers = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT polla_aid, polla_qid, polla_answer s, polla_votes FROM $wpdb->pollsa WHERE polla_qid IN ($poll_questions_ids) ORDER BY ".get_option('poll_ans_result_sortby').' '.get_option('poll_ans_result_sorto rder')); if($answers) { foreach($answers as $answer) { $polls_answers[intval($answer->polla_qid)][] = array('ai d' => intval($answer->polla_aid), 'qid' => intval($answer->polla_qid), 'answers' => stripslashes($answer->polla_answers), 'votes' => intval($answer->polla_votes )); } } // Get Poll IPs $ips = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT pollip_qid, pollip_aid FROM $wpdb->pol lsip WHERE pollip_qid IN ($poll_questions_ids) AND pollip_ip = '".get_ipaddress( )."' ORDER BY pollip_qid ASC"); if($ips) { foreach($ips as $ip) { $polls_ips[intval($ip->pollip_qid)][] = intval($ip->poll ip_aid); } } // Poll Archives $pollsarchive_output_archive .= "<div class=\"wp-polls wp-polls-archive\ ">\n"; foreach($polls_questions as $polls_question) { // Most/Least Variables $poll_most_answer = ''; $poll_most_votes = 0; $poll_most_percentage = 0; $poll_least_answer = ''; $poll_least_votes = 0; $poll_least_percentage = 0; // Is The Poll Total Votes 0? $poll_totalvotes_zero = true; if($polls_question['totalvotes'] > 0) { $poll_totalvotes_zero = false; } $poll_start_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s', 'wppolls'), get_option('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), gmdate('Y-m-d H: i:s', $polls_question['start'])); if(empty($polls_question['end'])) { $poll_end_date = __('No Expiry', 'wp-polls'); } else { $poll_end_date = mysql2date(sprintf(__('%s @ %s

', 'wp-polls'), get_option('date_format'), get_option('time_format')), gmdate('Y -m-d H:i:s', $polls_question['end'])); } // Archive Poll Header $template_archive_header = stripslashes(get_option('poll_templat e_pollarchiveheader')); // Poll Question Variables $template_question = stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_resu ltheader')); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_QUESTION%", $polls_quest ion['question'], $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $polls_question['i d'], $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTES%", number_for mat_i18n($polls_question['totalvotes']), $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%", number_fo rmat_i18n($polls_question['totalvoters']), $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $poll_star t_date, $template_question); $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_end_da te, $template_question); if($polls_question['multiple'] > 0) { $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX %", $polls_question['multiple'], $template_question); } else { $template_question = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX %", '1', $template_question); } // Print Out Result Header Template $pollsarchive_output_archive .= $template_archive_header; $pollsarchive_output_archive .= $template_question; // Store The Percentage Of The Poll $poll_answer_percentage_array = array(); foreach($polls_answers[$polls_question['id']] as $polls_answer) { // Calculate Percentage And Image Bar Width if(!$poll_totalvotes_zero) { if($polls_answer['votes'] > 0) { $poll_answer_percentage = round((($polls _answer['votes']/$polls_question['totalvoters'])*100)); $poll_answer_imagewidth = round($poll_an swer_percentage*0.9); } else { $poll_answer_percentage = 0; $poll_answer_imagewidth = 1; } } else { $poll_answer_percentage = 0; $poll_answer_imagewidth = 1; } // Make Sure That Total Percentage Is 100% By Adding A B uffer To The Last Poll Answer if($polls_question['multiple'] == 0) { $poll_answer_percentage_array[] = $poll_answer_p ercentage; if(sizeof($poll_answer_percentage_array) == size of($polls_answers[$polls_question['id']])) { $percentage_error_buffer = 100 - array_s um($poll_answer_percentage_array); $poll_answer_percentage = $poll_answer_p

ercentage + $percentage_error_buffer; if($poll_answer_percentage < 0) { $poll_answer_percentage = 0; } } } // Let User See What Options They Voted if(in_array($polls_answer['aid'], check_voted_multiple($ polls_question['id'], $polls_ips[$polls_question['id']]))) { // Results Body Variables $template_answer = stripslashes(get_option('poll _template_resultbody2')); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $pol ls_question['id'], $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_ID% ", $polls_answer['aid'], $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER%", $polls_answer['answers'], $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_TEX T%", htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($polls_answer['answers'])), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_VOT ES%", number_format_i18n($polls_answer['votes']), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_PER CENTAGE%", $poll_answer_percentage, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_IMA GEWIDTH%", $poll_answer_imagewidth, $template_answer); // Print Out Results Body Template $pollsarchive_output_archive .= $template_answer ; } else { // Results Body Variables $template_answer = stripslashes(get_option('poll _template_resultbody')); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $pol ls_question['id'], $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_ID% ", $polls_answer['aid'], $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER%", $polls_answer['answers'], $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_TEX T%", htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($polls_answer['answers'])), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_VOT ES%", number_format_i18n($polls_answer['votes']), $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_PER CENTAGE%", $poll_answer_percentage, $template_answer); $template_answer = str_replace("%POLL_ANSWER_IMA GEWIDTH%", $poll_answer_imagewidth, $template_answer); // Print Out Results Body Template $pollsarchive_output_archive .= $template_answer ; } // Get Most Voted Data if($polls_answer['votes'] > $poll_most_votes) { $poll_most_answer = $polls_answer['answers']; $poll_most_votes = $polls_answer['votes']; $poll_most_percentage = $poll_answer_percentage; } // Get Least Voted Data if($poll_least_votes == 0) { $poll_least_votes = $polls_answer['votes'];

} if($polls_answer['votes'] <= $poll_least_votes) { $poll_least_answer = $polls_answer['answers']; $poll_least_votes = $polls_answer['votes']; $poll_least_percentage = $poll_answer_percentage ; } } // Results Footer Variables $template_footer = stripslashes(get_option('poll_template_result footer')); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_ID%", $polls_question['id' ], $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $poll_start_ date, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_end_date , $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTES%", number_forma t_i18n($polls_question['totalvotes']), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%", number_form at_i18n($polls_question['totalvoters']), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_ANSWER%", $poll_most_ answer, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_VOTES%", number_forma t_i18n($poll_most_votes), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_PERCENTAGE%", $poll_m ost_percentage, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_ANSWER%", $poll_leas t_answer, $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_VOTES%", number_form at_i18n($poll_least_votes), $template_footer); $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_PERCENTAGE%", $poll_ least_percentage, $template_footer); if($polls_question['multiple'] > 0) { $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX% ", $polls_question['multiple'], $template_footer); } else { $template_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ANS_MAX% ", '1', $template_footer); } // Archive Poll Footer $template_archive_footer = stripslashes(get_option('poll_templat e_pollarchivefooter')); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_START_DATE%", $pol l_start_date, $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_END_DATE%", $poll_ end_date, $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTES%", numb er_format_i18n($polls_question['totalvotes']), $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%", num ber_format_i18n($polls_question['totalvoters']), $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_ANSWER%", $po ll_most_answer, $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_VOTES%", numb er_format_i18n($poll_most_votes), $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MOST_PERCENTAGE%", $poll_most_percentage, $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_ANSWER%", $p oll_least_answer, $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_VOTES%", num

ber_format_i18n($poll_least_votes), $template_archive_footer); $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_LEAST_PERCENTAGE%" , $poll_least_percentage, $template_archive_footer); if($polls_question['multiple'] > 0) { $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ ANS_MAX%", $polls_question['multiple'], $template_archive_footer); } else { $template_archive_footer = str_replace("%POLL_MULTIPLE_ ANS_MAX%", '1', $template_archive_footer); } // Print Out Results Footer Template $pollsarchive_output_archive .= $template_footer; // Print Out Archive Poll Footer Template $pollsarchive_output_archive .= $template_archive_footer; } $pollsarchive_output_archive .= "</div>\n"; // Polls Archive Paging if($max_page > 1) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= stripslashes(get_option('poll_te mplate_pollarchivepagingheader')); if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<div class="wp-pagenavi ">'."\n"; } else { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<div class="wp-polls-pa ging">'."\n"; } $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<span class="pages">&#8201;'.sp rintf(__('Page %s of %s', 'wp-polls'), number_format_i18n($page), number_format_ i18n($max_page)).'&#8201;</span>'; if ($start_page >= 2 && $pages_to_show < $max_page) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<a href="'.polls_archiv e_link(1).'" title="'.__('&laquo; First', 'wp-polls').'">&#8201;'.__('&laquo; Fi rst', 'wp-polls').'&#8201;</a>'; $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<span class="extend">.. .</span>'; } if($page > 1) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<a href="'.polls_archiv e_link(($page-1)).'" title="'.__('&laquo;', 'wp-polls').'">&#8201;'.__('&laquo;' , 'wp-polls').'&#8201;</a>'; } for($i = $start_page; $i <= $end_page; $i++) { if($i == $page) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<span class="cu rrent">&#8201;'.number_format_i18n($i).'&#8201;</span>'; } else { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<a href="'.poll s_archive_link($i).'" title="'.number_format_i18n($i).'">&#8201;'.number_format_ i18n($i).'&#8201;</a>'; } } if(empty($page) || ($page+1) <= $max_page) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<a href="'.polls_archiv e_link(($page+1)).'" title="'.__('&raquo;', 'wp-polls').'">&#8201;'.__('&raquo;' , 'wp-polls').'&#8201;</a>'; } if ($end_page < $max_page) { $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<span class="extend">..

.</span>'; $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '<a href="'.polls_archiv e_link($max_page).'" title="'.__('Last &raquo;', 'wp-polls').'">&#8201;'.__('Las t &raquo;', 'wp-polls').'&#8201;</a>'; } $pollsarchive_output_archive .= '</div>'; $pollsarchive_output_archive .= stripslashes(get_option('poll_te mplate_pollarchivepagingfooter')); } // Output Polls Archive Page return apply_filters('polls_archive', $pollsarchive_output_archive); } // Edit Timestamp Options function poll_timestamp($poll_timestamp, $fieldname = 'pollq_timestamp', $displa y = 'block') { global $month; echo '<div id="'.$fieldname.'" style="display: '.$display.'">'."\n"; $day = gmdate('j', $poll_timestamp); echo '<select name="'.$fieldname.'_day" size="1">'."\n"; for($i = 1; $i <=31; $i++) { if($day == $i) { echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected=\"selected\">$i</opt ion>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;'."\n"; $month2 = gmdate('n', $poll_timestamp); echo '<select name="'.$fieldname.'_month" size="1">'."\n"; for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { if ($i < 10) { $ii = '0'.$i; } else { $ii = $i; } if($month2 == $i) { echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected=\"selected\">$month[ $ii]</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$month[$ii]</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;'."\n"; $year = gmdate('Y', $poll_timestamp); echo '<select name="'.$fieldname.'_year" size="1">'."\n"; for($i = 2000; $i <= ($year+10); $i++) { if($year == $i) { echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected=\"selected\">$i</opt ion>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>&nbsp;@'."\n"; echo '<span dir="ltr">'."\n"; $hour = gmdate('H', $poll_timestamp);

echo '<select name="'.$fieldname.'_hour" size="1">'."\n"; for($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { if($hour == $i) { echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected=\"selected\">$i</opt ion>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>&nbsp;:'."\n"; $minute = gmdate('i', $poll_timestamp); echo '<select name="'.$fieldname.'_minute" size="1">'."\n"; for($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) { if($minute == $i) { echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected=\"selected\">$i</opt ion>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>&nbsp;:'."\n"; $second = gmdate('s', $poll_timestamp); echo '<select name="'.$fieldname.'_second" size="1">'."\n"; for($i = 0; $i <= 60; $i++) { if($second == $i) { echo "<option value=\"$i\" selected=\"selected\">$i</opt ion>\n"; } else { echo "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } } echo '</select>'."\n"; echo '</span>'."\n"; echo '</div>'."\n"; } ### Function: Place Cron function cron_polls_place() { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('polls_cron'); if (!wp_next_scheduled('polls_cron')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'twicedaily', 'polls_cron'); } } ### Funcion: Check All Polls Status To Check If It Expires add_action('polls_cron', 'cron_polls_status'); function cron_polls_status() { global $wpdb; // Close Poll $close_polls = $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->pollsq SET pollq_active = 0 W HERE pollq_expiry < '".current_time('timestamp')."' AND pollq_expiry != '' AND p ollq_active != 0"); // Open Future Polls $active_polls = $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->pollsq SET pollq_active = 1 WHERE pollq_timestamp <= '".current_time('timestamp')."' AND pollq_active = -1") ; // Update Latest Poll If Future Poll Is Opened

if($active_polls) { $update_latestpoll = update_option('poll_latestpoll', polls_late st_id()); } return; } ### Funcion: Get Latest Poll ID function polls_latest_id() { global $wpdb; $poll_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_id FROM $wpdb->pollsq WHERE poll q_active = 1 ORDER BY pollq_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"); return intval($poll_id); } ### Check If In Poll Archive Page function in_pollarchive() { $poll_archive_url = get_option('poll_archive_url'); $poll_archive_url_array = explode('/', $poll_archive_url); $poll_archive_url = $poll_archive_url_array[sizeof($poll_archive_url_arr ay)-1]; if(empty($poll_archive_url)) { $poll_archive_url = $poll_archive_url_array[sizeof($poll_archive _url_array)-2]; } $current_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if(strpos($current_url, $poll_archive_url) === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } ### Function: Vote Poll vote_poll(); function vote_poll() { global $wpdb, $user_identity, $user_ID; if(!empty($_POST['vote'])) { polls_textdomain(); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.get_option('blog_char set').''); $poll_id = intval($_POST['poll_id']); $poll_aid = $_POST["poll_$poll_id"]; $poll_aid_array = array_unique(array_map('intval', explode(',', $poll_aid))); if($poll_id > 0 && !empty($poll_aid_array) && check_allowtovote( )) { $check_voted = check_voted($poll_id); if($check_voted == 0) { if(!empty($user_identity)) { $pollip_user = htmlspecialchars(addslash es($user_identity)); } elseif(!empty($_COOKIE['comment_author_'.COOKI EHASH])) { $pollip_user = htmlspecialchars(addslash es($_COOKIE['comment_author_'.COOKIEHASH])); } else {

$pollip_user = __('Guest', 'wp-polls'); } $pollip_userid = intval($user_ID); $pollip_ip = get_ipaddress(); $pollip_host = esc_attr(@gethostbyaddr($pollip_i p)); $pollip_timestamp = current_time('timestamp'); // Only Create Cookie If User Choose Logging Met hod 1 Or 2 $poll_logging_method = intval(get_option('poll_l ogging_method')); if($poll_logging_method == 1 || $poll_logging_me thod == 3) { $cookie_expiry = intval(get_option('poll _cookielog_expiry')); if($cookie_expiry == 0) { $cookie_expiry = 30000000; } $vote_cookie = setcookie('voted_'.$poll_ id, $poll_aid, ($pollip_timestamp + $cookie_expiry), COOKIEPATH); } $i = 0; foreach($poll_aid_array as $polla_aid) { $update_polla_votes = $wpdb->query("UPDA TE $wpdb->pollsa SET polla_votes = (polla_votes+1) WHERE polla_qid = $poll_id AN D polla_aid = $polla_aid"); if(!$update_polla_votes) { unset($poll_aid_array[$i]); } $i++; } $vote_q = $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->pollsq SET pollq_totalvotes = (pollq_totalvotes+".sizeof($poll_aid_array)."), pollq_totalv oters = (pollq_totalvoters+1) WHERE pollq_id = $poll_id AND pollq_active = 1"); if($vote_q) { foreach($poll_aid_array as $polla_aid) { $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb>pollsip VALUES (0, $poll_id, $polla_aid, '$pollip_ip', '$pollip_host', '$pollip _timestamp', '$pollip_user', $pollip_userid)"); } echo display_pollresult($poll_id,$poll_a id_array, false); exit(); } else { printf(__('Unable To Update Poll Total V otes And Poll Total Voters. Poll ID #%s', 'wp-polls'), $poll_id); exit(); } // End if($vote_a) } else { printf(__('You Had Already Voted For This Poll. Poll ID #%s', 'wp-polls'), $poll_id); exit(); }// End if($check_voted) } else { printf(__('Invalid Poll ID. Poll ID #%s', 'wp-polls'), $ poll_id); exit(); } // End if($poll_id > 0 && $poll_aid > 0) } elseif (isset($_GET['pollresult']) && intval($_GET['pollresult']) > 0) {

polls_textdomain(); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.get_option('blog_char set').''); $poll_id = intval($_GET['pollresult']); echo display_pollresult($poll_id, 0, false); exit(); } elseif (isset($_GET['pollbooth']) && intval($_GET['pollbooth']) > 0) { polls_textdomain(); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.get_option('blog_char set').''); $poll_id = intval($_GET['pollbooth']); echo display_pollvote($poll_id, false); exit(); } // End if(!empty($_POST['vote'])) } ### Function: Plug Into WP-Stats add_action('wp','polls_wp_stats'); function polls_wp_stats() { if(function_exists('stats_page')) { if(strpos(get_option('stats_url'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || s trpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'stats-options.php') || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_ URI'], 'wp-stats/wp-stats.php')) { add_filter('wp_stats_page_admin_plugins', 'polls_page_ad min_general_stats'); add_filter('wp_stats_page_plugins', 'polls_page_general_ stats'); } } } ### Function: Add WP-Polls General Stats To WP-Stats Page Options function polls_page_admin_general_stats($content) { $stats_display = get_option('stats_display'); if($stats_display['polls'] == 1) { $content .= '<input type="checkbox" name="stats_display[]" id="w pstats_polls" value="polls" checked="checked" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<label for="wpstats_ polls">'.__('WP-Polls', 'wp-polls').'</label><br />'."\n"; } else { $content .= '<input type="checkbox" name="stats_display[]" id="w pstats_polls" value="polls" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<label for="wpstats_polls">'.__('WP-Po lls', 'wp-polls').'</label><br />'."\n"; } return $content; } ### Function: Add WP-Polls General Stats To WP-Stats Page function polls_page_general_stats($content) { $stats_display = get_option('stats_display'); if($stats_display['polls'] == 1) { $content .= '<p><strong>'.__('WP-Polls', 'wp-polls').'</strong>< /p>'."\n"; $content .= '<ul>'."\n"; $content .= '<li>'.sprintf(_n('<strong>%s</strong> poll was crea ted.', '<strong>%s</strong> polls were created.', get_pollquestions(false), 'wppolls'), number_format_i18n(get_pollquestions(false))).'</li>'."\n"; $content .= '<li>'.sprintf(_n('<strong>%s</strong> polls\' answe

r was given.', '<strong>%s</strong> polls\' answers were given.', get_pollanswer s(false), 'wp-polls'), number_format_i18n(get_pollanswers(false))).'</li>'."\n"; $content .= '<li>'.sprintf(_n('<strong>%s</strong> vote was cast ed.', '<strong>%s</strong> votes were casted.', get_pollvotes(false), 'wp-polls' ), number_format_i18n(get_pollvotes(false))).'</li>'."\n"; $content .= '</ul>'."\n"; } return $content; } ### Class: WP-Polls Widget class WP_Widget_Polls extends WP_Widget { // Constructor function WP_Widget_Polls() { $widget_ops = array('description' => __('WP-Polls polls', 'wp-po lls')); $this->WP_Widget('polls-widget', __('Polls', 'wp-polls'), $widge t_ops); } // Display Widget function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', esc_attr($instance['title '])); $poll_id = intval($instance['poll_id']); $display_pollarchive = intval($instance['display_pollarchive']); echo $before_widget; if(!empty($title)) { echo $before_title.$title.$after_title; } get_poll($poll_id); if($display_pollarchive) { display_polls_archive_link(); } echo $after_widget; } // When Widget Control Form Is Posted function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { if (!isset($new_instance['submit'])) { return false; } $instance = $old_instance; $instance['title'] = strip_tags($new_instance['title']); $instance['poll_id'] = intval($new_instance['poll_id']); $instance['display_pollarchive'] = intval($new_instance['display _pollarchive']); return $instance; } // DIsplay Widget Control Form function form($instance) { global $wpdb; $instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, array('title' => __ ('Polls', 'wp-polls'), 'poll_id' => 0, 'display_pollarchive' => 1)); $title = esc_attr($instance['title']); $poll_id = intval($instance['poll_id']); $display_pollarchive = intval($instance['display_pollarchive']);

?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>" ><?php _e('Title:', 'wp-polls'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this>get_field_id('title'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label> </p> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('display_poll archive'); ?>"><?php _e('Display Polls Archive Link Below Poll?', 'wp-polls'); ? > <select name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name(' display_pollarchive'); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('display_pollarchi ve'); ?>" class="widefat"> <option value="0"<?php selected(0, $disp lay_pollarchive); ?>><?php _e('No', 'wp-polls'); ?></option> <option value="1"<?php selected(1, $disp lay_pollarchive); ?>><?php _e('Yes', 'wp-polls'); ?></option> </select> </label> </p> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('poll_id'); ? >"><?php _e('Poll To Display:', 'wp-polls'); ?> <select name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name(' poll_id'); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('poll_id'); ?>" class="widefat "> <option value="-1"<?php selected(-1, $po ll_id); ?>><?php _e('Do NOT Display Poll (Disable)', 'wp-polls'); ?></option> <option value="-2"<?php selected(-2, $po ll_id); ?>><?php _e('Display Random Poll', 'wp-polls'); ?></option> <option value="0"<?php selected(0, $poll _id); ?>><?php _e('Display Latest Poll', 'wp-polls'); ?></option> <optgroup>&nbsp;</optgroup> <?php $polls = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT poll q_id, pollq_question FROM $wpdb->pollsq ORDER BY pollq_id DESC"); if($polls) { foreach($polls as $poll) { $pollq_question = strips lashes($poll->pollq_question); $pollq_id = intval($poll ->pollq_id); if($pollq_id == $poll_id ) { echo "<option va lue=\"$pollq_id\" selected=\"selected\">$pollq_question</option>\n"; } else { echo "<option va lue=\"$pollq_id\">$pollq_question</option>\n"; } } } ?> </select> </label> </p> <input type="hidden" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('submit' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('submit'); ?>" value="1" /> <?php

} } ### Function: Init WP-Polls Widget add_action('widgets_init', 'widget_polls_init'); function widget_polls_init() { register_widget('WP_Widget_Polls'); } ### Function: Create Poll Tables add_action('activate_wp-polls/wp-polls.php', 'create_poll_table'); function create_poll_table() { global $wpdb; polls_textdomain(); if(@is_file(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php')) { include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'); } elseif(@is_file(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php')) { include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php'); } else { die('We have problem finding your \'/wp-admin/upgrade-functions. php\' and \'/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php\''); } // Create Poll Tables (3 Tables) $charset_collate = ''; if($wpdb->supports_collation()) { if(!empty($wpdb->charset)) { $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $wpdb->charset "; } if(!empty($wpdb->collate)) { $charset_collate .= " COLLATE $wpdb->collate"; } } $create_table = array(); $create_table['pollsq'] = "CREATE TABLE $wpdb->pollsq (". "pollq_i d int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,". "pollq_q uestion varchar(200) character set utf8 NOT NULL default '',". "pollq_t imestamp varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',". "pollq_t otalvotes int(10) NOT NULL default '0',". "pollq_a ctive tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',". "pollq_e xpiry varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',". "pollq_m ultiple tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',". "pollq_t otalvoters int(10) NOT NULL default '0',". "PRIMARY KEY (pollq_id)) $charset_collate;"; $create_table['pollsa'] = "CREATE TABLE $wpdb->pollsa (". "polla_a id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,". "polla_q id int(10) NOT NULL default '0',".

"polla_a nswers varchar(200) character set utf8 NOT NULL default '',". "polla_v otes int(10) NOT NULL default '0',". "PRIMARY KEY (polla_aid)) $charset_collate;"; $create_table['pollsip'] = "CREATE TABLE $wpdb->pollsip (". "pollip_ id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,". "pollip_ qid varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',". "pollip_ aid varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',". "pollip_ ip varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',". "pollip_ host VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL default '',". "pollip_ timestamp varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',". "pollip_ user tinytext NOT NULL,". "pollip_ userid int(10) NOT NULL default '0',". "PRIMARY KEY (pollip_id),". "KEY pol lip_ip (pollip_id),". "KEY pol lip_qid (pollip_qid)". ") $char set_collate;"; maybe_create_table($wpdb->pollsq, $create_table['pollsq']); maybe_create_table($wpdb->pollsa, $create_table['pollsa']); maybe_create_table($wpdb->pollsip, $create_table['pollsip']); // Check Whether It is Install Or Upgrade $first_poll = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_id FROM $wpdb->pollsq LIMIT 1 "); // If Install, Insert 1st Poll Question With 5 Poll Answers if(empty($first_poll)) { // Insert Poll Question (1 Record) $insert_pollq = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->pollsq VALUES ( 1, '".__('How Is My Site?', 'wp-polls')."', '".current_time('timestamp')."', 0, 1, '', 0, 0);"); if($insert_pollq) { // Insert Poll Answers (5 Records) $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->pollsa VALUES (1, 1, '" .__('Good', 'wp-polls')."', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->pollsa VALUES (2, 1, '" .__('Excellent', 'wp-polls')."', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->pollsa VALUES (3, 1, '" .__('Bad', 'wp-polls')."', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->pollsa VALUES (4, 1, '" .__('Can Be Improved', 'wp-polls')."', 0);"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->pollsa VALUES (5, 1, '" .__('No Comments', 'wp-polls')."', 0);"); } } // Add In Options (16 Records) add_option('poll_template_voteheader', '<p style="text-align: center;">< strong>%POLL_QUESTION%</strong></p>'.

'<div id="polls-%POLL_ID%-ans" class="wp-polls-ans">'. '<ul class="wp-polls-ul">', 'Template For Poll\'s Question'); add_option('poll_template_votebody', '<li><input type="%POLL_CHECKBOX_R ADIO%" id="poll-answer-%POLL_ANSWER_ID%" name="poll_%POLL_ID%" value="%POLL_ANSW ER_ID%" /> <label for="poll-answer-%POLL_ANSWER_ID%">%POLL_ANSWER%</label></li>' , 'Template For Poll\'s Answers'); add_option('poll_template_votefooter', '</ul>'. '<p style="text-align: center;"><input type="button" name="vote" value=" '.__('Vote', 'wp-polls').' " class="Buttons" onclick="poll_vote(%POLL_ID%); " /></p>'. '<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#ViewPollResults" onclick="poll _result(%POLL_ID%); return false;" title="'.__('View Results Of This Poll', 'wppolls').'">'.__('View Results', 'wp-polls').'</a></p>'. '</div>', 'Template For Poll\'s Voting Footer'); add_option('poll_template_resultheader', '<p style="text-align: center;" ><strong>%POLL_QUESTION%</strong></p>'. '<div id="polls-%POLL_ID%-ans" class="wp-polls-ans">'. '<ul class="wp-polls-ul">', 'Template For Poll Header'); add_option('poll_template_resultbody', '<li>%POLL_ANSWER% <small>(%POLL_ ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%%'.__(',', 'wp-polls').' %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% '.__('Votes', 'wp -polls').')</small><div class="pollbar" style="width: %POLL_ANSWER_IMAGEWIDTH%%; " title="%POLL_ANSWER_TEXT% (%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%% | %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% '._ _('Votes', 'wp-polls').')"></div></li>', 'Template For Poll Results'); add_option('poll_template_resultbody2', '<li><strong><i>%POLL_ANSWER% <s mall>(%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%%'.__(',', 'wp-polls').' %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% '.__( 'Votes', 'wp-polls').')</small></i></strong><div class="pollbar" style="width: % POLL_ANSWER_IMAGEWIDTH%%;" title="'.__('You Have Voted For This Choice', 'wp-pol ls').' - %POLL_ANSWER_TEXT% (%POLL_ANSWER_PERCENTAGE%% | %POLL_ANSWER_VOTES% '._ _('Votes', 'wp-polls').')"></div></li>', 'Template For Poll Results (User Voted) '); add_option('poll_template_resultfooter', '</ul>'. '<p style="text-align: center;">'.__('Total Voters', 'wp-polls').': <str ong>%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%</strong></p>'. '</div>', 'Template For Poll Result Footer'); add_option('poll_template_resultfooter2', '</ul>'. '<p style="text-align: center;">'.__('Total Voters', 'wp-polls').': <str ong>%POLL_TOTALVOTERS%</strong></p>'. '<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#VotePoll" onclick="poll_booth( %POLL_ID%); return false;" title="'.__('Vote For This Poll', 'wp-polls').'">'.__ ('Vote', 'wp-polls').'</a></p>'. '</div>', 'Template For Poll Result Footer'); add_option('poll_template_disable', __('Sorry, there are no polls availa ble at the moment.', 'wp-polls'), 'Template For Poll When It Is Disabled'); add_option('poll_template_error', __('An error has occurred when process ing your poll.', 'wp-polls'), 'Template For Poll When An Error Has Occured'); add_option('poll_currentpoll', 0, 'Current Displayed Poll'); add_option('poll_latestpoll', 1, 'The Latest Poll'); add_option('poll_archive_perpage', 5, 'Number Of Polls To Display Per Pa ge On The Poll\'s Archive', 'no'); add_option('poll_ans_sortby', 'polla_aid', 'Sorting Of Poll\'s Answers') ; add_option('poll_ans_sortorder', 'asc', 'Sort Order Of Poll\'s Answers') ; add_option('poll_ans_result_sortby', 'polla_votes', 'Sorting Of Poll\'s Answers Result'); add_option('poll_ans_result_sortorder', 'desc', 'Sorting Order Of Poll\' s Answers Result'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.1 add_option('poll_logging_method', '3', 'Logging Method Of User Poll\'s A nswer');

add_option('poll_allowtovote', '2', 'Who Is Allowed To Vote'); maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_active', "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->poll sq ADD pollq_active TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';"); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.12 maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsip, 'pollip_userid', "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->po llsip ADD pollip_userid INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); add_option('poll_archive_url', site_url('pollsarchive'), 'Polls Archive URL'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.13 add_option('poll_bar', array('style' => 'default', 'background' => 'd8e1 eb', 'border' => 'c8c8c8', 'height' => 8), 'Poll Bar Style'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.14 maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_expiry', "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->poll sq ADD pollq_expiry varchar(20) NOT NULL default '';"); add_option('poll_close', 1, 'Poll Close'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.20 add_option('poll_ajax_style', array('loading' => 1, 'fading' => 1), 'Pol l AJAX Style'); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivelink', '<ul>'. '<li><a href="%POLL_ARCHIVE_URL%">'.__('Polls Archive', 'wp-polls').'</a ></li>'. '</ul>', 'Template For Poll Archive Link'); add_option('poll_archive_displaypoll', 2, 'Type Of Polls To Display In P olls Archive'); add_option('poll_template_pollarchiveheader', '', 'Displayed Before Each Poll In The Poll Archive'); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivefooter', '<p>'.__('Start Date:', 'w p-polls').' %POLL_START_DATE%<br />'.__('End Date:', 'wp-polls').' %POLL_END_DAT E%</p>', 'Displayed After Each Poll In The Poll Archive'); maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_multiple', "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->po llsq ADD pollq_multiple TINYINT( 3 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); $pollq_totalvoters = maybe_add_column($wpdb->pollsq, 'pollq_totalvoters' , "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->pollsq ADD pollq_totalvoters INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0 ';"); if($pollq_totalvoters) { $pollq_totalvoters = intval($wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(pollq_tot alvoters) FROM $wpdb->pollsq")); if($pollq_totalvoters == 0) { $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->pollsq SET pollq_totalvoters = pollq_totalvotes"); } } // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.30 add_option('poll_cookielog_expiry', 0, 'Cookie And Log Expiry Time'); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivepagingheader', '', 'Displayed Befor e Paging In The Poll Archive'); add_option('poll_template_pollarchivepagingfooter', '', 'Displayed After Paging In The Poll Archive'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.50 delete_option('poll_archive_show'); // Database Upgrade For WP-Polls 2.61 $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->pollsip ADD INDEX pollip_ip (pollip_id) ;"); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->pollsip ADD INDEX pollip_qid (pollip_qi d);"); // Set 'manage_polls' Capabilities To Administrator $role = get_role('administrator'); if(!$role->has_cap('manage_polls')) { $role->add_cap('manage_polls'); }

cron_polls_place(); } ?>

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