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I chose this work sample because it is a representation of the information that my students learned over the course of a plant

unit. For kindergarteners, the information that they are learning is mostly all new so by taking a pre-test to see where they were at, I was able to pinpoint the ideas that they needed more help in. I also chose this work sample because at this grade level, the students should be able to sequence events and I wanted to develop this skill in addition to the unit because I have observed during this semester that it is something that they struggle with. This made an impact on P-12 learning by informing the students about not only the plant cycle but also how to grow plants on their own. This work sample is a great example to show the information that they learned over the course of the unit. I thought that doing a pre-test and a post-test would demonstrate the strides that they took throughout this unit. My students are still developing their writing skills so I wanted to focus on the material at hand when making these two tests. By keeping the pre-test and post-test very simple, I was really able to focus in on the topics that my students had a grasp on already and the topics I needed to cover more thoroughly. It also gave me an idea of which students had background knowledge on this topic, and which students did not. The activities related to these work samples were very informative and enhanced my ability to understand student learning in many ways. This unit was designed to make sure that all different types of learning styles were accommodated for in the lessons. This taught me that children learn in a different way and it is my job to make sure that the information gets through to them in the best way possible. This unit was successful because I made sure that every student made a personal connection to the material.

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