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NAMES OF GROUP Agam Rifai Efrilica Fitri Khoriatin

Semester III DIALOGUE One day Fitri have nursing practice in Sultan Agung Hospital. And there Fitri meet her neighbour her name is Khoriatin. Khori : Hi, Fitri! Fitri : Hi, how are you? What are you doing?

Khori : Fine, thank you. I visit my friend, he come in this hospital last night. Are you practice in here? Fitri : Yes, i am. Whats wrong with your friend?

Khori : He get accident last night by motorcycle. When they was talk fun Agam pass in front of them, Agam is Fitris classmate, Fitri call him to introduce khori to him. Fitri : Agam, where are you doing?

Agam : I want to buy somefood in canteen. Can i help you? Fitri : No, come here please!

Agam : Yeah, what happened? Fitri : I want to introduce you to my friend,she is my schoolmate in Senior High School.

Khori : Hi, i am Khoriatin. You can call me Khori. Agam : I am Agam. I am Fitris classmate in Unissula. What are you doing in here? Khori : I visit my friend. Are you practice here too? Agam : Yes, i am. Nice to meet you,Khori. Khori : Nice to meet you too, sometimes if you come to fitris house dont forget to visit in my home okay?

Agam : Is your home near with ftiris house? Fitri : Oh of course,,,behind of my home

Agam : Really? Okey sometimes may be i will visit you.. Excuse me,i will go o canteen because after that i must practice again Khori :Yes, please. Agam : I have to go, Fit. And see you next time,Khori. Fitri : Oke !

Agam : Assalamualaikum Khori and Fitri: Waalaikumussalam

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