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Ordinary: ordinari, deadly: mortal, back and forth:enrrere i cap endavant, witness:testimoni, strike:vaga, gather:reunir, background:fons, path:cami, rather

than:mes aviat que, weather:temps, forecaster:pronosticador, skilled:expert, slip:lliscar, chasing:perseguint, avoid:evitar, degrees:graus, slippery:relliscos, forecast:pronostic, flood:inundacio, lightning:llamp, soaking wet:mullat, rainfall:pluja, sweat:suar, blizzard:torb, melting:derretir, overcast:encapotat, drought:sequera, heatwave:onada de calor, chilly:fred, humidity:humitat, shivered:tremolar, bitter:amarg, scorching:abrasador, heavy:pesat, severe:greu, thick:gruix, mild:lleu, els modals: can: ability. Most tornado chasers can avoid dangerous situations. Request. Can i join your grup. Possibility. I can lend you my car. Be able to: ability possibility. I think they will be able to a twister. Can't: inability. I can't drive. Prohibition. You can't take your children with you. Disbelief. That can't be paul he is in china!. Could: past ability. She could run very fast when she was a child. Polite request. Could you tell me more about the tour please?. Possibility. The weather forecast could be wrong. Polite suggestion. You could come with us next time. May/might: possibility. The tourist might be disappointed after the trip. May: polite request. May i borrow your travel guide please?. Should/ought to: advice, opinion. She should more concerned about the dangers of the trip. Need to: obligation, necesary. I need to know what the weather will be like tomorrow. Have to: obligation, necesary. You will have to spend a lot of time in the car. Must: obligation, strong necesary. All students must evacuate the school in case de fire. Certainty that something is true. He hasn't seen a single tornado he must be disapointed. Mustn't: prohibition. You mustn't get too close to a tornado. Needn't to: lack of obligation/necesary. You needn't bring me a present. Don't have to: lack of obligation/necesity: you don't have to worry about anything. Would: formal request. Would you open the window please. Offer. Would you like some more water. Connectors: because, since: ja que, as: com que, because of: a cause de, due to: a causa de, as a result of, so: per tant, as a result: com a resultat, therefore: per tant, consequently, for this reason.

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