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The Unforgetta ble Dare

Come on Sussy go inside that house or are you going to tell your mummy to go with you Shut up Malfoy... Ill go in! As Sussy crept up the stairs of the house she could hear sounds, echoes of people talking, but there were no light. She was freighted but shed go in and be a hero our shed go back being a coward. Suddenly the door slapped opened pouching Sussy inside the house as she shouted in fear, but no one could catch her. She was gone, vanished forever because of a brainless dare.

Summer of 1998 It was a freezing morning and a very sad one too! It was the 5th memorial of the girl that died because of a dare. All that assisted that poor little girls fatal outcome were there. The whole town

was there to remember the happy moments that they had with her. People said that on the 10th memorial, at night, she would get revenge of the person who made her depart this life and that she would make him suffer the way he would never imagine, that maybe it would make him suicide!!!!! The day awaked, Malfoy was warned all ready that this day he would suffer because of what he did; the phantom of Sussy Roberts would come any time, so he had to stay awake and mysteriously quiet. At night he was very ready. He would have to deliver himself but he wouldnt. He was curious to verify if she really had the courage to come. It was 2.00 am, she hadnt appear so he went to sleep and start to dream about Sussy coming to hes room and making his life a nightmare. He woke up all sweaty and feeling hes heart pounding very quickly. He only thought in going back on time to change everything, but now it was too late for changing things. Suddenly he heard a noise up the stairs, them it sounded as it was a little girl skipping across the corridor, followed by the door slowly opening... She was in the room somewhere. Malfoy rubbed his eyes a several times to check that it wasnt a dream .When he turned his pale white face to the right he saw her, In the corner of his bed, she looking at him to get revenge, He nervously rubbed his eyed another few times, it couldnt be happening she had really come to revenge Malfoy anxiously told her: Sussy, Im so sorry I never imagined it would be so bad I just wanted to see if you were brave enough to go inside, and we were children so I know I deserve to suffer but please do forgive me before! Will you? And why arent you in heaven you were such a good girl everyone loved you!

Malfoy, I will forgive you because it wasnt really your fault it was mine too I should of turned back and assumed I was a coward! Im not in heaven because I preferred staying in the house seeing you cry when you past by the mansion but I was always there feeling sorry for you! So I do understand how you are feeling! so now is my tome to go! Suddenly there was a huge bright light as Sussy Roberts walked to its direction Oh and I hope you come, to play like we used to play, see you in heaven

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