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VI Sem IT Internet Technologies & Applications Lab [IT354]

PHP PRACTICE LAB (6 March 2012)

1. Create a page only with PHP that prints your name and age, which are stored in variables. Use the various possibilities of print() and echo. Include comments in the PHP code. 2. Write a PHP script that calculates a division with an arbitrary number of digits. Arguments are two integer variables and the calculation should only use operations on integers. 3. Use a while-loop that starts at 0 and keeps running while the number is lower than 5. Write the variable to the screen after each run. 4. Modify the previous example to use a 'for' loop instead of a 'while' loop 5. Store a table with students information (name, ID, password, crypted password, etc) in a multi-dimensional array "stud". Output the stud table in form of a table. 6. Implement the following functions for the stud table: a. A "check" function that checks that there are no duplicate entries and that all passwords are valid: at least 5 characters including one special character, an output function. b. The search function get_name_from_ID. 7. Output the current date and time in India using date() and getdate() and using strftime()

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