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DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY University of Toronto Graduate Application for Teaching Assistant Unit 1 NOTE: Please return completed form

m (and CV) by the closing date by e-mail to:;

Please provide the name you are registered under at the University of Toronto Last Name: Address : Phone: Home Student No: E-Mail Address: (please provide UTOR) Supervisor(s) name: Are you currently a student at the University of Toronto? Will you be a student at U of T during the session the course(s) will be offered to which you are applying as a Teaching Assistant? Program: ( ) M.A. ( ) M.Sc. ( ) M.Sc.Pl. ( ) M.U.D.S. Department: YES YES ( ) X() NO NO ( ) ( ) Business: ( First Name:

Personnel No:
(If employed at the University previously, this number is on your pay stub)

( ) Ph.D.

( ) Other _____________________

Year in Program in September __________ and in January _____________

Number of hours preferred

() 70 hours

( ) 140 hours

( ) 210 hours

( ) 280 hours

other ____________

I will accept any position for which I am qualified

Recent experience as a Teaching Assistant: course code & name (e.g. GGRxxxH5F)

( ) Yes

( ) No
Year (last 2 years)

Positions(s) applied for (in order of preference) Course Name of Course (e.g.GGRxxxH5Y/F/S)

Section (e.g. P0101 / L30 ) if applicable

For continuing Ph.D. students ONLY: 1. 2. Are you owed a subsequent T.A. appointment? YES If yes, have you completed a Teaching Assistantship training session: ( ) YES NO ( ) ( ) NO ( )

I certify that the above information in complete and correct. I understand that: 1. I am submitting my application in a competition conducted by the Department of Geography (St. George and UTM) and the UTSC Department of Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences , University of Toronto. 2. Only the Chair of the Dept. offering the TA position is empowered to offer an appointment. 3 I will be notified by e-mail of the outcome of this competition. Signature: ___________________ _________________ Date: __ _____________ _____________________

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