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Read carefully the following words and meanings. After that, write a meaningful sentence using each word. Word 1. Seat 2. Wild 3. Soil 4. Hill 5. Engine 6. Board 7. Dry 8. Bewildered 9. Suit 10. Stare 11. Flight 12. Tears 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Runway Take off Rise Hostess Proxy Instinct Zulu Cheap Delighted Avoid Fan Heat Run away Meaning Place to sit down. Uncontrolled, disordered. Land, earth, ground. Any natural elevation of land. Machine that produces movement. To go onto a ship, airplane, etc. Something that is not humid or wet. Surprised and confused. Set of clothes. Look at something with attention. Number of airplane to be identified. Result of crying that goes out from the eyes. A zone over which the airplane runs. To go up into the air. To appear above the horizon. A woman who attends people on a plane. Something done by another that you cant do. Natural understanding of something. One native African language. That it costs a little money. Satisfied, pleased, amused. To prevent from happening. Element that produces a current of air. A hot season. To escape, move or go quickly. Meaningful Sentence My seat is next to the window. When the teacher is not in the classroom is very wild In El Valle de Aburr are a lot a hills I went in a board to Santa Marta My clothes are dry.

When a I was in the English class I stare my teacher When my boyfriend goes to other place y cry and a lot of tears flood my face My Uncle jobs in a runway directing planes with lights

When I went to Bogota a Hostess offerer to me a juice My aunts husband married with her by proxy The female instinct always work When my mother went to Africa knew people that spoke Zulu The mints are very cheap, only 50 pesos. When a end a cake I fell delighted

When I see a danger person I run away very fast

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