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‫פ' וישב‬ OVERVIEW ‫לקוטי שיחות‬

- ‫הענינים מלקו"ש השבועי‬-
‫לע"נ ר' אפרים ב"ר אברהם ע"ה האפמאן‬ ‫נשמת אפרים‬
 Resource to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s sichos


(‫ )א‬Yaacov settled in earthliness to gather sparks of holiness
‫וישב יעקב‬
(‫ )ה‬Completion of Yosef’s personality inside & outside ‫א‬
(‫ )ז‬Actions of Potifar’s wife were for the sake of heaven ‫יפה תאר‬
The dreams of Yosef and the avodah of every Jew ‫ויחלם עוד‬ ‫ג‬
Guarding means awaiting the fulfillment of the dreams *‫שמר את הדבר‬ ‫הא‬
Why was Tamar sentenced to burning? *‫ותשרף‬ ‫הב‬
Binding bundles of grain - unity *‫מאלמים אלומים‬ ‫יא‬
City on the side of the mountain *‫עולה תמנתה‬ ‫יב‬
A Jewish treasure hunt – a pearl among the sand & pebbles *‫וישב יעקב‬ ‫טוא‬
Yaacov’s "anguish of Yosef" leads to tranquility of Divine
Sparks ‫וישב יעקב‬ ‫טוב‬
Shchem – a place prepared for Yosef’s misfortune *‫ויבא שכמה‬ ‫טוג‬
No water (bitul) in the well ‫והבור רק אין בו מים‬ ‫טוד‬
Signet ring and the royal coat ‫חותמך ופתילך‬ ‫טוה‬
5 shekels and half a shekel: atonement for the selling of Yosef ‫בעשרים כסף‬ ‫כ‬
Yaakov took a quill and recorded the day, the hour & the place;
Yaacov saw one general service of HaShem ‫שמר את הדבר‬ ‫כהא‬
Description of a fortunate man ‫ה' מצליח בידו‬ ‫כהב‬
Why do Tzadikim suffer? *‫וישב‬ ‫לא‬
General concept (Siman) for a later occurrence *‫אשר על ידו השני‬ ‫לב‬
Yaacov believed in Yosef’s dream ‫הבוא נבוא‬ ‫להא‬
Incident of the baker and butler following the incident with the
wife of Potifar accomplished two things ‫אחר הדברים האלה‬ ‫להב‬
Mesiras Nefesh without intellectual considerations ‫נסעו מזה‬ ‫להג‬

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