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Lindy Johnson and Rachel Martino

What is dyslexia?

Specific Learning Disability 10% of the population Neurologically based/often hereditary Reading, writing, spelling, handwriting and mathematics

Affects every person differently

What might a person with dyslexia see when they read and write?

When and how is dyslexia diagnosed?

Undetected in early grades

Withdrawn/begin to act out Problems with self esteem Educational Psychologist

How does dyslexia impact on a child?

IQ Reversed letters and words Sequencing Memory Larger right hemisphere

What can YOU do to support children with dyslexia?

Understand Nurture a positive self-esteem Reading intervention Partnerships with families

Arial and Comic sans MS

Phonological Processing

Visual Tracking


Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Phonological Processing is made up of four parts:

0 0 0 0

Working Memory Rapid Automatic Naming Phonological Awareness Phonological Decoding

0 0

Affects handwriting Children may be diagnosed with dyspraxia

0 0

Very disorganised
May have difficulty sitting still / standing still May have difficulty in learning to tie shoe laces (Has activities to improve handwriting)

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Difficulty discriminating between sounds Filtering out background noise Sound field microphones assist children

End of Grade 4

The Power of Dyslexia

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