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Biletul Nr. 72 I My grandparents live in a village near Ramnicu Sarat. This village is in a plain area.

The village is where my parents grew up and this village remembered my parents childhood moments and they try to share them to me. But I do not spend enough time there to be able to see beyond appearances and to realize why my parents are so fixated on this place. II My favorite month of the year is August. The first laugh because it is my birthday. then as the temperatures are pleasant, everything is full of life, nature is active. This is my favorite month of the year because usually in this month I go to visit some places in our country. This is the month that usually go with friends to the sea. Because these things August is my favorite month of the year. III In my opinion is so important how players play in a football match but also the final score is very important. I am not a football fan but I think the way players play a football game is more important than the score of a match. Must still point out that the way footballers playing is influenced the match. We can deduce from the beginning of the game, end it, after how players handle the field.

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