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As my product is a pop magazine aimed at teenage girls, my magazine represents my target audience as the stereotypical teenage girl.

The colour scheme used for my magazine is pink, black and grey. These colours have been chosen as the pink reflects the stereotype of teenage girls liking the colour pink. Also pink is the colour associated with the genre of pop. My magazine also has cover stories about the latest gossip on different celebrities. This could represent my target audience as gossips or wanting to broaden their knowledge on celebrities. Also by having articles on celebrities reflects the stereotype of how teenage girls obsess over celebrities.

My magazine does not exploit women either as my magazine is aimed at the female gender. However I have still incorporated aspects of Laura Mulveys male gaze theory, as my model can be seen as posing in a way in which my target audience may be aspirational to look like her. This will therefore represent women in a positive way.

Furthermore, because my magazine focuses on the genre of mainstream pop music, this will target many different social groups going across a broad range of my audiences psychographics and demographics. This will then create a wide audience which will create a bigger profit for my magazine.

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