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Many films in the recent years have been produced pertaining to the Ancient civilization of the Mayans.

Most of these films have been about the infamous Mayan apocalypse. The idea that the world is coming to an end on December 21st 2012. Hollywood has mainly focused on these action packed thrillers because it is what has become poplar amongst society. However often these films are exaggerated from what was actually predicted many years ago, in order to attract a larger audience.

Comment: Reviewed by Dana Porter 4/9

Comment: This could be a good place to include what the purpose of your movie is and how it is different/better than movies on this topic that already exist.

In the beginning of time everything laid in shadows, the face of the Earth was not clear and the sea alone pooled under the sky. So the gods Hurucan and Quetzalcoatl convinced the other gods that the ocean should be separated from the land and the sky risen above all else. Thus came about the formation of mountains, and channels of water. Once the Earth had been created, the gods then began to plan the creation of the guardians of nature. After animals came about and inhabited the Earth, the gods then instructed them to speak, to name their names, to praise them for they were their mother and father. But when the animals attempted to speak all that was heard was howls, hisses and squawks; each gave a different cry. The gods then made three frustrated attempts to create humankind. First with the help of Xpiacoc and Xmucane they created men of mud, it talked at first but was quickly dissolved in water. Next the gods fashioned men out of wood. They came into being and multiplied but soon forgot about their creators. So came about a flood to destroy the ungrateful creations. This is the creation myth of the Mayans, today however it is belief that the Mayan people were made of maize.

Comment: Maybe in the next paragraph you could compare your characters to these gods and give an explanation for why you gave your characters the personality that you did.

Comment: I think this is a very interesting paragraph for your historical background. Your next step is to relate it to your concept and make sure that you include how you are using the historical background to create events that happen in your movie. This is a good start just remember to look back at the proposal assignment sheet to get an idea of what all you need to include in your paper.

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