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GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY There exists no collection of sources specially devoted to economic and social history. But documents of all kinds relat- ing to the latter: polyptycha, terriers, urbaren, records, weis- timer, industrial regulations, accounts of administrative bodies both public and private, correspondence, etc., have been published in every country, and continue to be published in increasing numbers. It would serve no useful purpose to men- tion them here. The reader will find references to these and other sources for the different countries and periods in the works cited in the course of the following pages. Moreover, in addition to documents directly concerned with social and economic development, the historian who deals with this subject must necessarily be familiar also with the sources for the general history of the period with which he is dealing, This is particularly true of the Middle Ages, for which a great part of his material is derived as much from annals, chronicles and memoirs as from public and private acts, cartularies, registers, custumals, etc. Thus a complete bibliog- raphy of social and economic history would resolve itself into a bibliography of all the sources for the history of the Middle The writer has, therefore, been content to set down modern works dealing with economic and social development through- out the Middle Ages, or for a great part of the period, either in general or in a particular country, together with those which trace the general history of a particular aspect of that development. Bibliographies relating to special questions have been added to each chapter. GENERAL SURVEYS K. Biicher, Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft (1898), ‘Tiibingen, 7th ed., 1910. ‘W. Cunningham, An Essay on Western Civilisation in Its Economic Aspects, Cambridge, 1898-1900, 2 vols. M. Kowalewsky, Die ékonomische Entwickelung Buropas bis 222, MEDIEVAL EUROPE Sum Beginn der kay talistischon Wirtschaftsform (German trans), Berlin, 1901-14, 7 vols. . Dopsch, Wirtschaftliche und soziale Grundlagén der Euro- pdischen Kulturentwickelung aus der Zeit von Caesur bis auf Karl den Grossen, Vienna, 2nd ed., 1923-4, 2 vols. R. Kotzschke, Allgemeine Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Mittelalters, Jena, 1924. J. Kulischer, Allgemeine Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, Munich-Berlin, 1928-9, 2 vols. J. W. Thompson, An Economic and Social’ History of the Middle Ages, New York-London, 1928-81, 2 vols. M. Knight, Economic History of Europe to the End of the Middle Ages, Cambridge (Mass.), 1926. WORKS DEALING WITH PARTICULAR COUNTRIES GunMany K. T. von Inama-Sternegg, Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Leipzig, 1879-1901, 4 vols. New edition of t. I, 1909. K. Lamprecht, Deutsches Wirtschaftsleben im Mittelalter. Untersuchungen tiber die Entwickelung der materiellen Kultur des platten Landes . . . zuniichst des Mosellands, Leipzig, 1886, 4 vols. Th. von der Goltz, Geschichte der deutschen Landwirtschaft, Stuttgart, 1902-8, 2 vols. ENGLAND W. J. Ashley, An Introduction to English Economic History and Theory, London, 1888-98, 2 vols. 'W. Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Com- merce, vol. I, Middle Ages, Cambridge, 5th ed., 1910. E. Lipson, Economic History of England, London, vol. I, 5th » 1929, J. E. T. Rogers, History of Agriculture and Prices in England, vols. I-III, Oxford, 1866-92. L. F. Salzman, English Industries of the Middle Ages, Oxford, 2nd ed., 1923. Beucrum L. Dechesne, Histoire économique et sociale de la Belgique, Paris-Liége, 1982. France. H. Pigeonneau, Histoire du commerce de la France, Paris, 1885-2, 2 vols. Biblio graphy 223 E, Lavasseur, Histoire du commerce fe la France, t. 1, Paris, I9ll. .- Id,, Histoire des classes ouvriéres et de Tindustrie en Franogs avant 1789, Paris, 2nd ed., 1901. H. Sée, Esquisse d'une histoire économique et sociale de la France, des origines jusqu’a la guerre mondiale, Paris, 1929. Id., Les classes rurale et le régime domanial en France au Moyen Age, Paris, 1901. Id., Franzdsische Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Jena, 1930-36, 2 vols. G. d’Avenel, Histoire économique de la propriété, du salaire et des prix (in France), Paris, 1894-8, 4 vols. « M. Bloch, Les caractéres originaux de Vhistoire rurale francaise, Paris, 1931. rary G. Arias, Il sistema della constituzione economica e sociale italiana nell’eta dei communi, Turin-Rome, 1905. G. Yver, Le commerce et les marchands dans Italie méridionale au XUI* et au XIV® siécle, Paris, 1908. A. Doren, Italienische Wirtschaftsgeschichte, I, Jena, 1934. SURVEYS OF PARTICULAR SUBJECTS W. Heyd, Histoire du commerce du Levant au Moyen Age, ed. Furcy-Raynaud, Leipzig, 1885-6, 2 vols. (new im- pression, 1923). A. Schaube, Handelsgeschichte der romanischen Vélker des Mittelmeergebiets bis zum Ende der Kreuzziige, Munich- Berlin, 1906. L. Goldschmidt, Universalgeschichte des Handelsrechts, t. I, Stuttgart, 1891. P. Huvelin, Essaie historique sur le droit des marchés et des foires, Paris, 1897. P. Boissonnade, Le travail dans [Europe chrétienne au Moyen Age, Paris, 1921. A, Schulte, Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Handels und Verkehrs zwischen Westdeutschland und Italien, Leipzig, 1900, 2 vols, W. Sombart, Der Moderne Kapitalismus, Leipzig, 2nd ed., 1916-27, 4 vols. PERIODICALS Vierteljahrschrift fiir Social-und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, herzg. von L, Aubin, Leipzig (1893-1900, under the title: Zeit- schrift fiir Soctal-und Wirtschaftsgeschichte).° 224 MEDEEVAL EUROPE Revus @histoire économtque et sociale, Paris, first published in 1908. . x 20nomic History. A Supplement of the Economic Journal, ed. by J. M. Keynes and D, H. Macgregor, Londo, frst published in 1926. The Economic History Review, ed. by E. Lipson and R. H, Tawney, 1927-34, and by M. M. Postan from 1934, Lon- don, first published in 1927. Journal of Economic and Business History, ed. by E. F. Gay and N. S. B. Gras, Harvard University, 1928-32. Annales Whistoire économique et sociale, ed. by M. Bloch and L. Febvre, Paris, first published in 1929. Tt is unnecessary to add that economic history occupies an increasingly large place in all historical periodicals. INDEX OF Agats, A., 155 n. Ajano, Broglio d’, 177 n. . Alviella, F, Goblet d’, 66 n. Ammann, H., 206 n. * Arens, F, 118 n., 1830, Arias, G., 228 Amdt, A., 140 n. Ame, E. J. 23n. Amold, W., 136 n. Ashley, W. J., 222 Avenel, G. d’, 223 Babelon, E., 20 n. Bassermann, C., 96 n. Bateson, M., 66n. Battistini, M., 209 n. Beardwood, A., 86n. Below, G. von, 89n., 160n., 176n, Beugnot, 88 n. Beyerle, F., 39n. Bigwood, G., 117n., 127n., 128n, 188n, 184n, 187 n., 210 n. Billioud, J., 182n. Blancard, L., 140 n. Blanchard, R., 86n, Blanchet, A., 102 n. Blink, H., 57 n. Bloch, M., 8n,, 57n, 60n,, 883 n., 114n., 198n., 194n, 223 Blum, A., 216 n. Boileau, Etienne, 182 n. Boissonnade, P., 176 n., 219 n., 223 AUTHORS Bonvalot, E., 66 n. Borchgrave, E. de, 66n. Boretius, 10 n. Bratianu, G. J., 26n., 166n. Bréhier, L., 5n. Brentano, 1, 15n. Bridrey, E., 103 n. Brutails, J. A., 82 n. Biicher, K., 167 n., 221 Bugge, A., 20n., 146 n. Byme, E, H., 26n, 86n, 90n., 117 n,, 121 n, Cantimpré, Thomas de, 80 and n. Cluny, Odo of, 27 n. Coornaert, E., 176 n., 216 n. Coulton, G. G., 57 n. Cumont, F., 6n. Cunningham, W., 221, 222 Curschmann, F., 163 n. Cuvelier, J. 58n, 167n, 190n., 214n. Daenell, E., 140n. Davidsohn, RK, 26n, 171n. Davis, H. W. C., 1172. Dechesne, L., 222 Delisle, L., 57 n., 116 n, Denifle, H., 189 n. Devizes, Richard de, 51 n. Dieudonné, A., 102 n. Dillen, J. G. van, 167 n. 226 Dobych, A, In, }03n, 106 n., 292 * Doren, A, 78n, W45n, Ten. 238 £bengreuth, A. Luschin von, 102 n. Ebersolt, J., 5n. Eberstadt, R., 44n., 176 n. Edler, F. M., 185 n. Endemann, W., 118 n., 188 n. Espinas, G. 89n., 100n., 164n., 165n, 167n., 170n, 176n, 187n,, 188 n., 208 n, Fagniez, G., 158n., 176 n. Falletti-Fossati, C., 189 n. Fanfoni, A., 188 n. Fengler, O., 6n. Forestié, E., 123 n. Fréville, De, 140 n. Gaggese, R., 57 n. Ganshof, F. L., 27 n. Gasquet, F. A., 189 n. Génestal, B., 116 n. Germain, A., 140 n, Gessler, J., 124 n, Gheldolf, 87 n. Giry, A. 99n., 111 n. Gobbers, J., 186 n. Goetstouwers, J. B., 69n. Goldschmidt, L., 14n., 101 n., 116 n., 175 n., 228 Goltz, Th. von der, 222 Gotz, W., 86 n. Gross, C., 39n., 52 n. Grunzweig, A., 208 n., 209 n. Guesnon, A., 127 n, Guillaume le Breton, 126 n. Guiraud, L., 206 n. Halphen, L., 6n. Hanquet, K., 115 n. Hansay, 4, 572. MEDIEVAL EUROPE Hapke, R., 26n, 140n. Hartmann, L. M,, 176 n. Hauser, H., 155 n. Hiivernick, W., L112. 7 Hegel, K., 89n. Heinemann, L. von, 39 n. Henne, 188 n.“7* Hemricourt, J. de, 205 n. Heyd, W., 15n, 140n,, 228 Heynen, R,, 15n., 182. Hocsem, 154 n. Hofmann, M., 181 n. Huisman, G., 94n. ‘ Huvelin, P, 96n, 98n,, 101 n, 104n., 223 Inama-Sternegg, K. T., 57, 222, Jastrow, J., 167 n. Jenkinson, H., 170, 1262, Jordan, E., 192 n. Julian, Camille, 85 n. # Keutgen, F, 99n, 44, 160 n., 176 n,, 180 n. Kiesselbach, G. A. 140 2. Kiesselbach, Th, 155. Knapp, G. F., 57n. Knight, M., 222 Koehne, C., 98 n. Koppmann, K., 123 n. Kotzschke, R., 222 Kowalewsky, M., 221 Kretschmayr, H., 15n., 250, Kulischer, J., 20n, 870, llin, 118n, | 167n, 176 n., 205 n., 232 Lamprecht, K., 57n., 810, 222, Landry, A., 103 n. Laurent, H., 2n., 960. Lavasseur, E., 223 Lehuguer, P., 1122. Liebermann, F., 35 n.

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