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By: Aris Bahari Nimatul Illiyyun Feny Rahmawati Noval A. Rosalia Agustiana Royana Damayanti


what is setting?

Setting is where and when of a drama or play takes places which may serve as historical context and, therefore, it may add meanings ( Inter language :English
for Senior High School Students Xi, Joko Priyana, page : 238 )

Identifying the setting of short story

Destroyed World

On the 4th May 1980 I was supposed to celebrate my 12th birthday. That year spring came late and the snow was still seen on the pavements of Prypiat. I hoped my birthday present will be sunshine, new sandals for summer and maybe a bag of fruit drops. But there were no cheerful celebrations

Which one the setting in the text???

The setting is


On the 4th May 1980



The night before I must have fallen into a very deep sleep because neither the banging to the door nor loud voices woke me up. I only opened my eyes and realized the noise is not in my dream when I heard my mother's cry.

Which one is the setting?

The setting of the place is explicit

It means that the setting is not written in the text.

The setting is sometime implicit and explicit. Implicit means the setting is written in the text. But, explicit means the setting is not written in the text. So, we have to understand the meaning of the text by our self.

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