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1. Temporarily disable your internet connection: Run: CMD IPCONFIG /RELEASE 2. Install the application (SetupSureCutsALot_2_008.exe) 3.

Launch the application and choose activate (pick "activate manually" option) 4. Run Crack.exe to generate key using the site code from the SCAL activation wi ndow. Enter the serial no, name, and activation into the SCAL activation window and se lect OK 5. Path to your HOST file and open it in notepad.exe (usually located in C:\Wind ows\System32\drivers\etc) and add these entries to the end of the file: (save and close hosts file) (alternatively, you can make your firewall block SCAL 2 from accessing the inter net) 6. Run: CMD IPCONFIG /RENEW 7. Open application and enjoy! Notes: Anytime SCAL has access to the above internet sites, it will attempt to validate the activation information. If it can do so, it will fail validation and close itself. You will have to rep eat the directions again. Thus SCAL WILL NOT WORK if it can validate your key using the internet connectio n. Blocking these sites allow the registration to continue working but limits your ability to visit the website yourself.

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