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Overview coding theory:

Coding theory is study of properties of code sand their fitness for specific application, codes are used for data compression, cryptography, error correction and more recently also for network coding . codes are studied by various scientific disciplines such as information theory ,electrical engineering ,mathematics, and computer science for purpose of designing efficient and reliable data methods, this typically involves the removal of redundancy and the correction 9or detection) errors in transmission data. Then , One of the tasks in coding theory is to detect and even correct errors. Usually, coding is divided in source coding and channel coding ,Source coding involves changing the message source to a suitable code to be transmitted through the channel.

2. Coding theory for speed data transmission:

This figure shows communication system for transmitting information from a source to destination through a channel.

The communication can be either in space domain (I.e.; from one location to another ) or in the time domain (I.e.; by sorting data at one point in time and retrieving it sometime later) The role of source coding is twofold, it serves as translator between the output of the source and the input to the channel, for example the information that transmitted from source to the destination may consist of analog signal , while the channel may expect to the receive digital input , in such a case , an analog to- digital conversion will be require at the decoding stage ,secondly the source encoder may compress the output of source for purpose of economizing on the length of the transmission , and the other end , the source decoder decompresses the received signal or sequence . Some applications require the decoder restore the data so that it is identical to the original , in which case we say that the compression is losses. Other applications , such as most audio and image transmission , allow some (controlled) difference or destination- between the original and the restore data , and

this flexibility is exploited to achieve higher compression, the compression is then called lossy. Channel code: Channel coding is often used in digital communication systems to protect the digital information from noise and interference and reduce the number of bit errors. Channel coding is mostly accomplished by selectively introducing redundant bits into the transmitted information stream. These additional bits will allow detection and correction of bit errors in the received data stream and provide more reliable information transmission. The cost of using channel coding to protect the information is a reduction in data rate or an expansion in bandwidth.

3. Turbo code for reliable data transmission:

The use of Turbo Codes enhances the data transmission efficiency in digital communications systems, enabling reliable communications over power-constrained communications channels at close to Shannon's limit. This technique provides a particularly robust error correction solution designed to combat channel fading. Turbo Codes present a more elegant and silicon-efficient solution than so-called Concatenated FEC solutions, typically assembled from Reed Solomon block coder and Viterbi convolutional coder elements." Recently, a near channel capacity error correcting code called turbo code was introduced. This error correcting code is able to transmit information across the channel with arbitrary low (approaching zero) bit error rate

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