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Weeks 1 & 2

5 Supersets (6 to 10 reps each exercise)

Weeks 3, 4, 7, & 8
5 Supersets (6 to 10 reps each exercise)

Weeks 5 & 6

Exercise 1: Barbell Curls

Exercise 1: Barbell Curls

Exercise 1: Concentration Curls Exercise 2: One-Arm Dumbell Extensions

Exercise 2: Seated Alternate Hammer Curls Exercise 3: Barbell Triceps Extensions Exercise 4: Dips

Exercise 2: Push-Downs

Instructions: Perform exercise 1 followed immediately by exercise 2, and then take a 2-minute break before doing another superset. Do 5 supersets of 6 to 10 reps for each exercise. Your first superset should be a warm-up with lighter weight.

Instructions: Perform exercise 1 followed immediately by exercise 2, and then take a 2-minute break before doing another superset. Do 5 supersets of 6 to 10 reps for each exercise. Your first superset should be a warm-up with lighter weight.

Instructions: Perform 5 sets of 6 to 10 reps for each exercise before moving to the next exercise. Take a 1-minute break after each set. Your first set is a warm-up with lighter weight

> Click here for your Arm Training Exercises Workout Log

Muscles Worked: Biceps Position: With an underhand grip of the barbell, stand with your back straight and your arms slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Start: Stand straight holding the barbell in front of your waist. Finish: Complete the movement by curling the barbell toward your chest. Make sure to exhale as you curl the barbell upward and inhale as you return the barbell to the starting position.

Muscles Worked: Biceps and brachioradialis

Muscles Worked: Biceps

Position: Sit on the edge of a bench holding a dumbell with an underhand grip. Start: Rest your elbow on the inside of your thigh with an underhand grip of the dumbell. Finish: Complete the movement by curling the dumbell upward, keeping your elbow planted against your thigh. Make sure to exhale as you curl the dumbell upward and inhale as you return the dumbell to the starting position..

Muscles Worked: Triceps Position: Stand facing a cable machine and place your hands with an overhand grip on the handle. Start: With an overhand grip on the handle, bring your elbows to the sides of your body. Finish: Complete the movement by pressing the handle downward. Make sure to exhale as you press and inhale as you return the handle back to the starting position.

Muscles Worked: Triceps Position: Lie flat on a bench with an overhand grip of a barbell. Your elbows should be bent and pointing toward the ceiling and the barbell should be just above your forehead. Start: Lie flat on a bench with your arms bent at the elbows and bring the barbell into the starting position just above the forehead. Finish: Complete the movement by extending your arms and raising the barbell toward the ceiling. Make sure to exhale as you extend your arms and inhale as you carefully return the barbell to the starting position.

Muscles Worked: Triceps, pectorals, and anterior deltoids Position: Grasp the dipping bar handles with your palms facing each other and lift yourself so your arms are almost straight with a slight bend at the elbow. Start: Tilt your torso forward while bending your legs. Hold this position as you slowly lower yourself until your arms are at a 90degree angle. Inhale during the downward movement.

Muscles Worked: Triceps Position: Sit on a bench holding a dumbell in one hand with your arm extended upward. Start: Sit on a bench and bring the dumbell into starting position with your elbow raised above your shoulder. Finish: Complete the movement by extending your arm and raising the dumbell toward the ceiling. Make sure to exhale as you extend your arm and inhale as you carefully return the dumbell to the starting position.

Whats the biggest nutrition breakthrough for the next 25 years? Our vote goes to nutrigenomicsthe study of the interaction between what you eat and your DNA. Researchers have recently uncovered a handful of common foods that crank up your fat burning genes. Heres how it works: Each cell contains the DNA for your entire genetic code. This master cookbook of proteins, hormones, and molecules remains relatively unchanged through your life. What does change is the recipes (or genes) your body is using. Drugs, foods, hormones, and other molecules can tell your body what recipes to use to create more of the specific enzymes, hormones, and compounds that you need. So what foods can crank up your bodys natural fat-burning power? Green tea. Green teaboth as a supplement or the brewed leavesturns off genes that are responsible for fat cells sugar uptake and turns on genes that mediate sugar uptake by muscle cells. The result: smaller fat cells and more active muscle cells. A review from the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionshowed that drinking green tea every day will trim up to an extra inch off your waistline in 12 weeks. (Caffeine and the antioxidant EGCG are also part of green teas fat-fighting arsenal.) Click here to learn whic tea beat out 14 others and was named the best green tea when we analyzed the antioxidant content of popular brands. Fish oil. Touted for its many health benefits, the fats in fish oilEPA and DHAactivate a group of specific proteins in your cells called Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). PPARs interact with your genes and can increase the burning of fat for energy as well as improve insulin sensitivity. Researchers from University of South Australia showed that when men combined a supplement of 1.9 grams of EPA and DHA each day with regular aerobic exercise, they lost 4.5 more pounds compared to men who just did regular aerobic exercise during the 12-week study. (Thats one reason why fish oil was named one of our 18 Best Supplements for Men.) Pistachios. Pistachios fight inflammationa driving force of weight gainby reducing the expression of the inflammatory gene IFN-stimulated response element by a whopping 78 percent. Researchers from UCLA showed that snacking on 1.5 ounces of pistachios per day instead of 2 ounces of pretzels helped subjects lose 2 extra pounds over 12 weeks. (Pistachioswhich are higher in fat and proteinare also more satiating than pretzels, which could have helped subjects eat less overall.) More from The Best and Worst 100-Calorie Snacks Pomegranates. Pomegranates are packed with high levels of a potent class of antioxidants called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are famous for having beneficial effects on your blood vessels and your heart, and they are now also being show to be fat-cell killers. When exposed to anthocyanins, the growth of premature fat cells to full-blown fat cells is stopped. How? The anthocyanins down-regulate the expression of the pro-obesity and diabetes geneplasminogen activator inhibitor-1.


Olive oil. Subjects in a study ate on different days a high-carbohydrate meal and a meal high in monosaturated fatsincluding 2 tablespoons of olive oil. The high-carb meal suppressed the genetic sequence that creates adiponectin, a hormone that helps your muscles use sugar. The meal with olive oil, however, had the opposite effect.

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