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Math Department

What does increased enrollment plus a high demand for core classes equal? Super sections for the math department. According to Dr. Mylan Redfern, Head of Mathematics and Computer Science, the math department will introduce their first super section in the fall of 2010. Math 1111, College Algebra, will be the lone super section offered by the math department in the upcoming fall semester. A usual College Algebra course offers around 30 seats. The class capacity for the supper section is capped at 150, five times the size of a normal course. This change was brought on by an increasing enrollment rate. Since 2005, VSUs enrollment has increased by 15 percent. Part of VSUs mission is to accept every applicant who meets the standards of the university. This makes the task of planning seats for core classes extremely difficult. In the fall, we have been able to offer enough core seats. Dr Redfern said. Last year was a challenge since we had a large influx of new freshmen in late summer. In the fall of 2009, there were 1660 seats offered but 1737 students were enrolled in these classes. That is not to say that the math department always under estimates the number of seats needed every semester. There were 1086 seats offered for College Algebra in the spring 2010 semester but only 710 seats were taken. There are 1352 seats offered for the upcoming fall 2010 semester. The number of seats offered is reflected by the students. Math 1111 is mostly taken by incoming freshmen during their first semester at VSU. This explains why the math department would offer more seats in the fall than in the spring. It also explains the large difference in seats taken between the two semesters. Student demand generally determines the number of sections of core courses offered. Dr. Redfern said. Students seem to have mixed feelings on the subject of math courses being taught as super sections. I would not take a math class as a super section. Karma Hamilton, freshmen undecided major, said. I like to ask my math professor several questions during class and I would not feel comfortable doing that in a classroom with 150 other students. Junior psychology major, Mark Harris, is in favor of taking super sections. Classes of that size usually means there will be more class interaction. Harris said. It is healthy for the learning experience. Ive taken super sections in other departments and enjoyed each one.

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