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Just floor it. Take your foot off the accelerator. Apply the Brakes.

Global temerature over recent decades.

The Projected Future

Going with the current rate,the Complete Greenland to melt in 20 years from now as shown with accurate mathematical modeling. What that means is two-thirds of land area under water. All the coastal areas of the world are history.

Submerged New York. Its all 20 years from now.

Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans caused by captured greenhouse gases like CO2 and CH4 They prevent the heat from being reflected back to space thereby capturing the heat.

Taking our foot off the accelerator

Cutting back on usage of fossil fuel and preventing any more CO2 to be released into the environment. If there is no more CO2 released into the atmosphere there will be no increase more increase of global temperature.

Global and Indian energy sources.

Increasing cloud reflectivity

It has been proposed by John Latham of National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, US The idea relies on the Twomey effect, which says that increasing the concentration of water droplets within a cloud raises the overall surface area of the droplets and thereby enhances the clouds albedo. The albedo of an object is the extent to which it diffusely reflects light from light sources such as the Sun. Researchers claim that such spraying could increase the rate at which clouds reflect solar energy back into space by as much as 3.7 Wm-2.

Shade manufacture in the moon? Reduces launch cost but?

Early sunshade need 100 million tones of glass. 30 years to make if mined and manufactured at 10,000 tons/ day WAY TOO FUTURISTIC!!

National Centre for Atmospheric Research Website. Mr Roger Angels Plan of space sunshade at the University of Arizona. Wikipedia for definitions. Nat Geos documentary on the same.


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