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Oxides of nitrogen

A mixture of gases that are composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

Released by a variety of agricultural and forestry activities as well as fuel burning activities and cigarette smoking.

Carbon monoxide
A highly poisonous, colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. Released from vehicles, fuel burning and smoking cigarettes.

Acetone &


Sulfuric acid
Nitric acid
Cyanide compounds

These hazardous and potentially fatal chemicals, as well as over 70 more, are affecting us all.

You are breathing them in everyday.

They are making us sick.

Coughing, sneezing, choking, and chest pain


Oxygen deficiency
(essentially cardiac arrest)
oxygen deficiency


oxygen deficiency

2400 people die each year due to air pollution.

This number increases if long-term effects of air toxics on cancer are included.

And its not only humans that are slowly being poisoned; the environment is suffering too.

By the end of the 21st century, carbon dioxide levels will have incresed by up to 75-350% (compared to pre-industrial levels)

This problem is only getting worse.

You might think that there is nothing that you can do. But you can!

Taking simple actions can make a world of difference.

Turn off unnecessary electrical appliances at the power point wherever possible.

Make it your goal to purchase 'Green Power' power generated from clean, renewable energy such as solar or wind.

Wear warmer clothes as your first action to keep warm, before deciding to use a heater or other heating element.

Purchase and install energy efficient light bulbs.

Together we can take these small actions to create a better world for today and the future.

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