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Basic SEO Steps 1) Once domain name given, start working on keyword research according to

demographic and geographic market.

2) Enlist best keyword combination and enlist 4 to 6 related keywords per page.
Use keywords in Url. I.e. website-design-directory.html

3) Go for content to that particular page, it should be well optimized with our
targeted keywords. It should be quality content and unique content. 4) Use header tags appropriately (H1 > H2 > H3) Exp: <h1>Advanced PHP Programming</h1> is better then <h1>Advanced PHP Programming Is Really Cool and Stuff Dude</h1>

5) Give proper image Alt attributes that includes those keywords which are
targeted in our page.

6) Fix all pages of content in to template and do internal linking in all pages of
content. This will help to index whole site quickly.

7) Once site is ready offline, check for all broken links and fix it. Make proper
site map which include links of each pages with proper anchor text.

8) Make one sitemap.xml file using good Google site map generator tool and
submit Google site map. 9) Once site is ready and uploaded on server successfully we will start off page optimization, which includes following things Directory submission Article submission Link exchange Press release Social bookmaking Bogging Forum signature posting.

Basic of Meta tags 1) Title tag:

Maximum characters in title: 60 -70 Maximum repetition of same keyword : 2 times Try to make meaningful sentence instead of using only keyword phase. Starting of title should be main targeted keyword for that page. Write domain name at the end of each title tag Create unique title Tags for each page.

2) Meta Description tag:

Maximum characters in title: 180-210 It should contain short description which describes the page. Use targeted keywords with meaningful sentences. Try to make meaningful sentence instead of using only keyword phase. Starting of description should be main targeted keyword for that page. Write domain name at the end of each Meta description tag Create unique Meta description Tags for each page

3) Meta keyword tag:


Max 10-12 keywords or keyword phase. Use those keyword or keyword phase which is targeted in that page. Try to make different combination of keyword phase. Create unique Meta keyword Tags for each page Now a day this tag is not much important.

4) Image ALT attributes


While using this tag consider image size, means if small image is there dont give large tag. Try to explain image by using targeted keyword. Create unique Alt attribute for each image There is no fix size of image tag but we should keep in mind that when we move curser on any image that should not overlapped by alt tag description.

Design wise precaution

1) Try to reduce the size of template as much as we can.

2) Minimum use of flash and graphics which take much time to load in page.
3) Do not use inaccessible site navigation (JavaScript menus). 4) Give image name which cover the targeted keyword for that page. For exp in web-design.html page use image name like web-design.gif or websitedesign.gif or any combination separated by hyphen.

5) Do not put any hidden text/DIVs on template; everything must be visible to

visitors. 6) Some time mission statement written in image and placed on template, if possible than put that in text instead of image.

7) Use small latter in url name separated by hyphen (-) instead of underscores
(_) or spaces i.e. outsourcing-india.html

8) Use header tags appropriately (H1 > H2 > H3), use H1 tag only once, H2
tag two times and other tag can be used multiple time.

9) Use proper anchor text while giving link to any page and use absolute path
instead of relative path. I.e. if we are giving link to this page websitedesign.html than use anchor text as website design.

10) Do not change the page name which is already index and having PR (Google
page rank). If we change the name, PR will be lost.

Coding wise precaution 1) Try to minimize code to text ratio, means it will be batter if we have less
code and more text on our site.

2) Do not use query strings in page name if data comes from database. (We

should use mod rewrite rule to rewrite the mane from query string to proper page name like web-design.html instead of id=?56

3) Do not use cloaking to any pages. 4) Each page has different title, Meta description and Meta keyword tag. Dont give same tags to all pages. 5) Use absolute links while giving links to any page. 6) If we changed from .php to .html than take following steps to switch without losing ranking of those pages There are two ways to do this: Code: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html - Use a 301 redirect to redirect from the .php files to the .html files. Code: RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.*)\.html$$1.php 7) If we have change the domain name than take following steps to switch without losing ranking of those pages Code: You'll need to do a 301 redirect from the old domain to the new domain. Write following code to .htaccess and place it in the root directory of the old domain: Tell Apache to parse all .php files a .html file. to do this, place this code in your httpd.conf file:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?old-domain\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

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