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The Competition Of A Lifetime!

By Annina Eggenschwiler

(c) Annina Eggenschwiler

Annina Eggenschwiler

Cast of Characters Doug: Edwardo: Competition Host/ Start Man: Misty/Mysteryracer: Narrator:

THE COMPETITION OF A LIFETIME! SCENE: 1 EXT. FIELD - MORNING STARTING LINE SOUND: BULLHORN VOICE: LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, THE COMPETITION SHOULD BEGIN IN ABOUT 30 MINUTES! EDWARDO: Okay Doug stop staring into space and come and help me set up to start the race. DOUG: Okay. I just need to finish moving these boxes that you asked me to move. (looks around) EDWARDO: Hey, I moved them a while ago, you were sleeping. (frowns) SCENE 2: EXT. FIELD 30 MINUTES LATER START MAN: Could all contestants please make their way to the starting line, the race is about to start! Please remember that all spectators should be at least 100 feet away from the starting line, since last years incident. SOUND: DOORS SLAMMING EDWARDO: Are you ready? SOUND: EDWARDO GRIPPING THE STEERING WHEEL SOUND: GUN SHOT (START!) DOUG: GO! GO! GO! You buffoon! I have 1,000,000 dollars on the line here!If we dont win, I will NOT be happy. EDWARDO: You are so mean! I am also going to win the 1,000,000 dollars! Dont you dare think for 1 second that I am just in this to help YOU! You havent even helped so far with the competition. All you did was sleep!




DOUG: Well this is my car! And I pay for the gas and extra costs for this whole thing! EDWARDO: That does not count for anything if you dont win! SCENE 3: EXT. ROAD- NOON COMPETITION (THREE HOURS LATER) DOUG: Yes thats the second last car! Just one more, faster Faster FASTER! EDWARDO: Hey! I am the driver, no passenger drivers allowed! There are like 7 more miles and if you dont shut up you can walk the rest of the way! SOUND: CAR APPROACHING OTHER RACER: Yo, dudes! you know this is an adult race right? EDWARDO AND DOUG: Yeah? OTHER RACER: Well that means there is no kiddy driver lane, so pull over and let the better people race on this turf. DOUG: Why dont you join us in the kiddy lane and we can settle this like real people! OTHER RACER: Nah Im good I got 1 million dollars to win! SOUND: TIRES SCREECHING SOUND: CAR EXCELLERATING (EDWARDO SEES THE OTHER RACE CAR DRIVER PASS THEM) EDWARDO: Uh, Doug, uh, that dudes passing us. DOUG: Quickly, speed up! Speed up! He is not getting MY money! (THEY ZOOM PAST THE OTHER RACER)

3. SCENE 4: EXT. ROAD- COMPETITION EDWARDO: Hey! Were coming up to the pit stop! DOUG: Great so I stay in the car and you get out? EDWARDO: No, I was thinking you could maybe help. SOUND: TIRES SCREECHING TO A HALT SOUND: VOICES YELLING ABOUT MECHANIC: Guys we have under 1 minutes to get this baby back on the street! Make it snappy on the double! NARRATOR: Suddenly from behind, our heroes hear a startling familiar voice. DOUG AND EDWARDO: Ah great! NARRATOR: It is but the other racer! Will this be the end for our fabulous duets triumph? Will the identity of this mysterious racer be identifyied? Find out after this commercial break! (COMMERCIAL) ADVERTISER: Have you been experiencing any agonizing toothaches lately? Well then, this is the tooth care paste for you! White Attack, the all new toothpaste that gives your teeth the extra strength to carry on eating through the day! With their newest flavor, "Piercing Peach!" Try our other strengthening flavors, such as, "vicious vanilla" and "Striking Strawberry." Whats your flavor? (END OF COMMERCIAL BREAK) SCENE 5: EXT. PIT STOP- COMPETITION NARRATOR: AAAANNNNDDDD were back with the race of life you could call it, where we left off with our boys in a bit of a panicky state. Wouldnt you say? SOUND: TIRES SCREECHING TO A HALT (CONTINUED)



RACER: Well, look who we have here! DOUG: Scum. (LOOKS AT MISTY) EDWARDO: Doug! Be nice, I am. We are not rude people, at least Im not. DOUG: (TO RACER) Listen we are going to beat you- and uh.. whats your name anyway? RACER: My name is Misty. SCENE 6: EXT. PIT STOP- COMPETITION ONE OF MISTYS MECHANICS: Misty, were ready to go! MISTY: Oh looky there, looks like my crew was faster. Asta la vista boys, see you at the finish line! DOUG: (TO EDWARDO) Look you moron! Misty is already leaving! EDWARDO: Doug, you need to calm down, its not like shes going to win. (1 MINUTE BUT IT SEEMED LIKE AN ETERNITY LATER...) SOUND: MECHANICAL TOOLS BEING DROPPED ON THE GROUND SOUND: VOICES AND RUNNING MECHANIC: Edwardo, Doug, youre ready to go. Sorry for the delay, but there was a slight problem with get everything sorted. DOUG: Sorry doesnt cut it! We may loose the money because of your screw up! SOUND: DOORS SLAMMING, AN ENGINE STARTING AND TIRES SCREECHING FORWARD.


SCENE 7: EXT. Track- COMPETITION NARRATOR: This race has been intense, but it is truly clear who the best of best is. That is racer number 77, Misty! Close but still behind is our racers Edwardo and Doug, number 81. Looks like this is gonna be a close one. DOUG: Edwardo, cant you drive any faster? EDWARDO: No and look! Misty is just about 2 kilometers away! Maybe well still win. DOUG: Dang nabit! Look over the hill, theres the finish line! EDWARDO AND DOUG: Great! NARRATOR: Finally I can see for myself who is winning. What do I see? Misty, number 77 is in lead and is coming up to the finish line and SHE IS THE WINNER! SOUND: CROWD ROARING AND CHEERING (DOUG AND EDWARDO CROSS THE FINISH LINE AND PULL INTO THE PARKING LOT.) EDWARDO: Well at least we got 2nd. DOUG: 2nd isnt good enough! This is all your fault, because of you, Im not getting my money! (MISTY APPROACHES THEM WITH A TROPHY FILLED WITH MONEY) MISTY: Hey you guys did well. EDWARDO: (BLUSHING) Well not as good as you. DOUG: (GIVES EDWARDO A DIRTY LOOK) (LOOKS BACK AT MISTY) We only lost because our super slow pit crew!




MISTY: Hey! I won fair and square, but I didnt come here to rub my win in your face. I came here to split the money with you guys, because I always enter races like these and you wanted the money (look at Doug). I usually win, but it was by far not as fun as this one. You guys made it interesting, because you made the atmosphere more pressured even though I was clearly better. ( DOUG AND EDWARDO LOOK AT EACH OTHER ) DOUG AND EDWARDO: 500 Grand! YES! MISTY: Here. See you around! ( WALKS AWAY ) DOUG TO EDWARDO: Im sorry Ed, I was selfish and I think this was my fault that we lost. I mean, we should have worked together, that way we could have won. EDWARDO TO DOUG: No its fine, next time lets just work together. After all, two heads in control are better than one. Or two heads out of control. DOUG TO EDWARDO: Friends? EDWARDO TO DOUG: Friends! SOUND: EDWARDO AND DOUG START WALKING AWAY INTO THE SUNSET. NARRATOR: So this tale has come to an end, today we have learnt that you cannot let money come between friendship. Always friends before money and remember work together!

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