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Any harmful change that interfere with the normal appearance, structure or function of the body or any of its


Congenital Communicable
Contagious Non-Contagious

Acquired Non-Communicable
Deficiency Degenerative Cancerous Allergic

They are present in an infant at birth; it may be caused by hereditary factors or result from a prenatal condition or disease. Congenital diseases, or birth defects, are disorders that are present at birth. Some are hereditary, others develop while a baby is in its mother's uterus or during the process of delivery.

These diseases occur after birth and during the life span of an individual. They are acquired from our environment and are not inherited. They are caused by pathogens; or deficiency of nutrient or hormone; or degeneration of tissues; or cancer growth.


Communicable diseases are also called infectious diseases. Infectious diseases can spread from one person to another and are caused by microscopic organisms that invade the body. On the basis of transmission, there are two types Contagious diseases through Direct transmission Non-Contagious diseases through Indirect transmission

Direct transmission:-In
this the pathogens are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person without an intermediate agents. Some diseases are: Chicken pox, small pox, ring worm, diphtheria, influenza, tuberculosis, whooping cough, tetanus, leprosy, rabies, Cholera, typhoid

Rabies Virus


Indirect transmission:In this the pathogens are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through an intermediate agents. Some diseases are:Malaria, Dengue, plague

Malaria Protozoans

TB is caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is transmitted through minute droplets of infected sputum or phlegm or by drinking milk of an infected animal. Symptoms: Fatigue Loss of weight Evening fever Persistent cough Pain in the chest

Prevention:Immunization with BCG vaccination provides protection against this disease. A TB patient should cover his or her mouth while coughing and sneezing Cure:A course of antibiotics for 6-8 months is effective in curing the disease. Directly Observed Treatment Short Course is a comprehensive strategy to check the irregularity in taking treatment by patients.

It is a serious intestinal disease caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi. It is caused by eating infected food, drinking contaminated water or milk, or consuming unwashed raw vegetables and fruits. Its infection is also spread by flies. Symptoms:It appears two weeks after the infection in the form of headache, loss of hunger, fatigue and high fever. These symptoms are followed by pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea.

Prevention:Isolation of the patient and improved sanitary conditions can prevent further spread of the disease. Only boiled water and pasteurized milk should be consumed. Cure: Treatment with antibiotics, along with complete bed rest for 10-13 days is required for recovery. Typhoid vaccine TAB (Typhoid Para A an B) provides protection against this disease.


Non-Communicable diseases are also called non-infectious diseases. Non infectious diseases are not communicated from person to person and do not have, or are not known to involve, infectious agents. They are of four types. The factors which affect a persons health can be divided into two categories. Intrinsic factors Extrinsic factors

Intrinsic factors
The diseases causing factors which exist within the human body are called intrinsic factors. The important factors which affect the health are: Malfunctioning of the body parts or organs Malfunctioning of the immune system Hormonal imbalance Genetic disorders Some diseases are:- Cardiac failure, kidney failure, allergies, diabetes

Cancerous Lung continued..

Extrinsic factors
The disease causing factors which come from outside the human body are called extrinsic factors. The important factors which affect the health are: Inadequate diet Disease causing microorganism such as bacteria, virus, fungi Environmental pollutants Use of tobacco, alcohol etc Some diseases are:- Kwashiorkor, marasmus, obesity, malaria, cholera, rickets, scurvy, goitre, anaemia

Cholera Bacterium continued..

It is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid glands situated in the neck. It is caused due to the deficiency of iodine. Iodine is an essential requirement. However it is needed in very small quantity. It is common in mountainous regions where iodine content of soil and water is very low. Symptoms:The person suffering from goitre has enlarged thyroid gland or goitre.

Cure: Goitre can be prevented or cured by adding iodine containing salts as potassium iodated or potassium iodide to the cooking salt or to drinking water supply. The iodized salt makes up the deficiency of iodine in our body and helps in restoring the thyroid function. It can be prevented by intramuscular injection of iodized poppy-seed oil.

Anaemia is characterized by the deficiency of RBCs in blood and occurs due to the deficiency of iron and so haemoglobin. The adult human body contains about 3-4 grams of iron of which two-third is present in the blood. It is very important for women during pregnancy. Symptoms:The person gets tired easily. The person loses weight. The person looks pale and feel exhausted. The person becomes very irritable.

The person loses appetite and does not feel like eating anything. The swelling of hands and feet. Cure: Anaemia can be cured or prevented by eating foodstuffs which are rich I iron and vitamin B12. For example, meat, liver, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and fruits like apple, banana, guava contain a lot of iron. Iron tablets are also available.

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) It is a communicable as well as non communicable. AIDS is a pandemic disease and is caused by RNA retro virus HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). The virus of AIDS destroys some cells of the immune system of its host body. AIDS is spread through contaminated hypodermic needles and syringes, blood transfusion, organ transplantation, artificial insemination, transplacental transmission, breast feeding, common razor of the barbers. Also it is spread through sexual contact.

AIDS is characterized by: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (a lung disease), Kaposis sarcoma (skin cancer), Psychosis (severe brain damage), thrombocytopenia (decrease in number of platelets), lymphoma (cancer of lymph nodes). The symptoms include unexplained fever, chills, constant feeling of fatigue, weight loss and diarrhoea.


Razors, tooth brushes and infected needles must never be shared. Blood of donors should be tested before it is given to a recipient. Close physical contact with the patient should be avoided.

Note:- There is no effective drug or vaccine available for AIDS


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PRESENTED BY:Mrs. Anju Jaswal Hindi Mistress Govt. Girls Sec. School, Kathu Nangal Amritsar

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