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She sat there, looking flawlessly striking as always, a breathtaking addition to the intricate throne room in which she

now perched. Her brunette tresses cascaded over her shoulders and down her poised back, yet in her sapphire eyes, there was an anxious look of despair and longing. A picturesque scene, were it not for the throne which still sat empty beside her. Just then, the double doors blew open to reveal him, dirty and dragging his feet, but his crown was still intact and his head was held high. A look of elation lit her face. She jumped up and ran to him, her gold and white dress billowed behind her perfect figure. She threw her arms around him, not caring about getting dirty. He kissed her passionately. She pulled him closer, binding him to herself. They stood there in a silent embrace for several moments, simply memorizing each other, each afraid to break the silent bliss. He ran his finger over her pointed ear and inhumanly flawless ivory skin. A tear of joy ran down his face and fell to his bloodstained tunic. My lord she began, but he put his finger to her lips. A smile played at the corners of his mouth. He took her by the arm and led her to the bedchamber. He washed his face in the golden basin as she sat silently on the bed, watching his every move lovingly. He glanced back at her through the netting which surrounded the bed, thinking to himself that she looked even more beautiful than he remembered; if that were possible. He sat down next to her a stoked her hair, then continued to run his hand all the way down her arm and to the bed below. Will you tell me about the battle? she began quietly. Unfortunate and pointless, he attempted to brush the question off. Not pointless, love, the orukai had breached the northern border. They had not harmed anyone. We jumped to conclusions before conclusions could be made. How many were lost? Far too many. More than was necessary, had we foreseen the outcome. But did the orukai retreat, my lord? I believe they would have, had we left any alive. It was tragic for both sides, although greater for Mordor. As long as Gondors borders are safe For now, I suppose. His sorrowful expression moved her to the verge of tears. She tenderly kissed his forehead and studied his face, aged with worry. She rested her head upon his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. They sat there a long while.

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