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B2B(TUTOTIAL 1 ) QNS1) Qns 2) Yes, a product can be both a consumer and a business product Theory to classifying as a business or consumer

umer product is determining by: o o Who is the buyer What motivates the purchase? Business marketing can be defined as those activities that facilitate exchanges involving business products and customers in business market A business market transaction takes place whenever a good or a service is sold for any use than other personal consumption

If the buyer is an individual seeking self-satisfying reasons (buying for own consumption ), it will be classified as a consumer product On the other hand. If the buyer is an individual or a group of people n an organization buying the product to achieve an organization goal (for resale purchase) it will be classified as a business product This distinction is crucial because the marketing strategy (the marketing mix applications) applied will be different for the same product EG Promotion applications of credit card : individual vs corporate card Individual card: TV commercial (mass advertising_ Cooperate card: personal selling

Qns 3) Without the customerss customer, there would be no demand for a companys product Organsiational demand is entirely dependant on derived demand

A business marketer must ne aware of the benefits that the ultimate customer derives from the companys product when it is used in the end product o Eg/ if a customers perceives greater value in tyre X , tyre Y, then tyre X will add to the popularity and hence sales of the vehicles it is used on

Qns 4

A business marketer must have the ability to offer immediate customers a product that is also desired by their customers Consequently, the business marketer must know the requirements of both markets, immediate customers and customers customers Moreover, knowing the customers customer put the business marketer in a superior position to use pull strategy to stimulate derived demand

Buyer-seller relationships Shorter distribution channels Emphasis on personal selling Unique promotion strategies Greater web integration

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