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The games was known as a gladiatorial games, and Gladiator means swordsman..

The Gladiator Was an armed competent who entertained the audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals and condemned criminals. Some Gladiators were volunteers who risked their legal & social standing and their lives by appearing in the arena. Most of them were despised as slaves, schooled under harsh conditions, socially marginalized and segregated even in death. Few gladiators survived more than 10 matches or left pass the age of 30; however one survived till the age of 45. The games reached their peak between the 1st Century BCE and the 2nd Century CE, and they finally declined during the early 5th century after the adoption of Christianity as a state religion in the 390s. The development of the game had many causes. Some spiritual in the form of ritual manners by sacrificing to the Gods. Some as ceremonies for victories and it ended up becoming a kind of entertaining sport; do to the growing love of violence. The game was held in specific dates in each region; Also each game has a different scenario than the other as a term of change. The map: which had parts of lands we know these days as Italy, France, Britain, Switzerland , Southern Germany and Bulgaria.

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