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Un-thoughtful study. is a disease. It does not creates confidence in students. They could not learn to be self dependence.

Its becomes difficult to get rid of this habit when students once involve themselves in it. its the duty of the teachers to develop confidence in students in initial stage and also encourage those students who have the ability to commentary themselves. Such students become good writer in future. They do not like ready made answers. They dont follow the others blindly.

Knowledge is a great blessing. We dont only get the material wealth more over we get spiritual relation. It is duty of every human being to get knowledge in our religion. One can recognize him self without knowledge and remain unaware of the basic goals of life. Seeking knowledge can be the reason for the betterment of society and nation

Terrorism is not an act of boldness but it is an act of cowardice. We can not imagine how a person can decide to kill the common men with bomb or any other weapons. Many innocent citizen of our beloved country have been killed in bomb attacks. Many years ago many of our citizens were killed with hammer with crudity. In Islam Murder of single person is murder of all the human being. God will never forgive any murderer

Books are great blessing. These are the core of the experience of men of thousand years. Books are valuable assets which are given to mankind by the tradition. Books are the origin of the knowledge and power. Books provide us information on every topic and also brighten our mind.. Books are more precious then wealth. Books are our best friends.. Books dont not leave us alone in the time of trouble but they encourage us and teach us how to over come the problems with patience and also teach us to contentment and seriousness in the time of happiness.. we should be very care full in the selection of bookssome books are as dangerous as scorpion and as harmful as snakesit is necessary to avoid such books.

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