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Gives Numbers Modulo (remainder) Rand Randbetween Rounddown Roundup Round Count CountA CountBlank CountIf CountIfs Max

Min Large Small Median Mode.Sngl Rank.Eq Rank.Avg Match Len Find Search Replace

Result remainder of the number placed inside random number from 0 and 1 random number between 2 specified numbers rounds down to the lower integer rounds up to the highest integer rounds a number, specified digit = decimal counts number of cells that contain numbers counts number of cells that has something in them counts number of cells that are empty counts number of cells that meet a condition counts number of cells that meets conditions gives the highest number in a set of values gives the lowest number in a set of values gives the k-th largest number in an array gives the k-th smallest number in an array gives the middle numbers in a given range gives the number that appears most frequently ranks the data in a given range, equal rank for ties ranks the data in a given range, averaged rank for ties Gives the position number of entered value (see rightmost) number of characters in a cell

Gives Letters Left Right mid search replaces to get location, end minus st

Result gives the left of a gives the letters in a cell according to the location specified

get location, end minus start plus 1

Gives Words Concatenate search replace lower upper proper rept trim


Gives Options Sumifs Sumif If Ifs Averageif Averageifs

Gives References VLOOKUP HLOOKUP MATCH INDEX column row choose isodd iseven

Match ITM Accounting Math SA Philo 3 5 10 12 23

looks for the nearest/exact position of the value you want, for example look sa table sa baba

equal sign MATCH (4 , I15 : I19 , 1 ) -----> Lalabas 1 So basically hinanap niya yung value less than* and nearest to 4, and gave its position sa table *less than kapag 1 match type - Table must be arranged in ascending order *exact match kapag 0 match type *greater than kapag -1 match type - Table must be arranged in descending order (match type is the last 1 dun sa function katabi ng H19)

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