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Buccoo Reef is the third largest coral reef in the western hemisphere after of the Bahamas and Belize. Buccoo Reef covers an area of 7 square km in Tobago. The weather of the day of the field trip was cool, the sun was not hot and the tide was low when visiting the Coral Reef Ecosystem, it was noticed because the tripe resulted in a smooth ride and the pelican island was seen during low tide, but on the way back was worm, the sun was hot, the tide was low. On the destination, the Coral Reef Ecosystem in Tobago was assess and examined that the Coral Reef are the most Diverse and beautiful of all marine habitats that existed over 450 million years. Coral Reef are the second only to rainforests and they supports marine life, example few fishes and a sting ray was seen, protects the coastline and provides recreation and livelihoods to many tourist. coral reef is made up of calcium carbonate (white in colour), grows up to 8 feet, there tube or pike sponge contains 45 gallons of water, they live in worm water, clear water, with little suspended matter,they mostly feed on small shrimp, plankton and use zoxanthella as a major energy source. There are two types of corals in Tobago Buccoo Reef, they are fire corals and sagert coral .Fire corals burns any part of your body, black and yellow fishes are found their. Sagert corals need specific worm temperature, they have sharks, barracudas and turtle. Analysing the impact of the tourist industry on the coral Reef ecosystem was observed, there was some few activities that took place such as yachting and surf gliding, there was also boats that drop there chane and anchors. There are also other activities that did not took place but can harm the corals example scuba diving, fishing and pollution that can kill the corals.

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