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Memorando de justificacin sobre los condicionamientos de Derechos Humanos relacionados con la asistencia a la Fuerza Pblica Colombiana"

El Gobierno de Colombia suspende, investiga y judicializa, dentro del sistema de justicia civil, a aquellos miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia, de cualquier rango, quienes hayan sido presunta y creblemente acusados de la comisin de violaciones flagrantes de los derechos humanos reconocidos internacionalmente, incluyendo asesinatos extrajudiciales o de haberse apoyado, favorecido o beneficiado de las organizaciones paramilitares o de los grupos armados sucesores, y las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia estn cooperando totalmente con los fiscales civiles y las autoridades judiciales en dichos casos" MEMORANDUM OF JUSTIFICATIONCONCERNING HUMAN RIGHTS CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO ASSISTANCE FOR THE COLOMBIAN ARMED FORCES The Government of Colombia is suspending, and investigating and prosecuting, in the civilian justice system, those members of the Colombian Armed Forces, of whatever rank, who have been credibly alleged to have committed gross violations ofinternationally recognized human rights, including extra-judicial killings, or to have aided or abetted or benefited from paramilitary organizations or successor armed groups, and the Colombian Armed Forces are cooperating fully with civilian prosecutors and judicial authorities in such cases.The Colombian government continued to suspend, investigate and prosecute in thecivilian judicial system those members of the Armed Forces credibly alleged to have committed violations of human rights or to have aided, abetted or benefitedfrom paramilitary organizations or successor armed groups. The Armed Forces continues to cooperate with civilian judicial authorities in this regard.

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