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Sl. No . 1 Date INDEX Write a JAVA program to insert data into student database and retrieve information based on particular queries. Write a JAVA servlet program to implement a dynamic HTML using Servlet (user name and password should be accepted using HTML and displayed using a servlet). Write a JAVA servlet program to implement a dynamic HTML using Servlet (user name and password should be accepted using HTML and displayed using a servlet). Write a JAVA Servlet program to implement Pag e No. Mark s Signatu re

Request Dispatcher object (use include() and forward() methods).

5 6 7 8 Write a JAVA Servlet program to implement and demonst -rate get() and post() methods (using a JAVA Servlet program to implement Write HTTPServlet class). sendRedirect() method (using HTTP servlet class) a JAVA Servlet program to implement Write sessions (using HTTP Session Interface). A. Write a JAVA JSP program to print 10 even and 10 odd number. B. Write a JAVA JSP program to implement verification of a particular user login and display a welcome page. to get student Write a JAVA JSP program information through a HTML and a JAVA bean class, populate bean and display the information through another JSP.uses Write a JAVA JSP program which <jsp:plugin> tag to run a applet. Write a JAVA JSP program which implements nested tags and also uses TagSupport class. An EJB application that demonstrates Session Bean. application that demonstrates Entity An EJB Bean. application that demonstrates MDB. An EJB

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