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Dear Sir Dexter Morgan, I am writing to complain about a camcorder which I recently buy from your company.

The camcorder is your Canon FS 306 Flash Memory but I received another model Canon FS46 wich has some problems. I begin with, when I ordered the camcorder, I was told it would be delivered in three days. However, it took over three weeks for the camcorder to arrive. What is more, when it finally did arrive, the rechargeable battery was missing, and I had to buy one. Secondly, when I tried to make a photo the camcorder does not saved that picture. I tried again but the camcorder was locked and I do not understand why. When it was unlocked I tried to set save to the card. Then I tried to make a short movie. However, it did not work. The camcorder does not want to cooperate with me. To make matters worse, I tried to get out the rechargeable battery and now it do not want to open. I would appreciate it if the camcorder could be replaced as soon as possible. I also expect the money I paid for the rechargeable battery and the right model what I ordered. I hope that this matter will be resolved as quickly as possible. Yours faithfully, Lela Ancuta

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