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Data Structures and Fundamentals of Algorithms

: .

- :
( 6-5 )342
29.6-5 23.6-5 4.6-5

( 7-5 )354
21.7-5 8.7-5 5.7-5

( 5 )358
2.9 4.5 2.5



Data Structures and Fundamentals of Algorithms


) O(log n ) O(1 .

k .
X .
* ) O(log n .

X1,X2,X3,,Xn . Xi,,Xj
i,j .
) )

( O ) O(1 .

) ) O(n ) O(lg n ( .
) O(n lg n ) O(lg n .



Data Structures and Fundamentals of Algorithms


) O(1 .
( ) .

MaxQueue .
) : Inject(x .
: Pop .
: Max ( . ).
) O(1 .
: ) O(1 .

n . .



Data Structures and Fundamentals of Algorithms


) (x,y


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