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Stephanie Saunderson APUSH Geoghegan (p.

.5) 28 September 2011 Declaration of Independence Questions 1) The goal of the first paragraph is to establish the fact that their goal is to separate themselves as a colonies from Great Britain, but in doing so, they must state and defend their reasons for their declaration of independence. 2) They hope to sway parliament and any government that takes away the unalienable rights of its citizens. In addition to this, they hope to sway any colonists who are on the fence about the declaration. Also, the declaration is to gather support against England to help them in the Revolutionary War. 3) The people have a right to create a new government when the current government does not defend the unalienable rights. The purpose of a government is to secure these rights, if said government fails to fulfill this purpose, it is the inherent right of the people to abolish or alter the government. 4) It is a governments sole duty to protect the unalienable rights of its people. 5) Five Grievances a. For imposing taxes on us without our consent Stamp Tax Act b. For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world Navigation Acts c. For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us Quartering act d. For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury admiralty courts e. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with many firmness his invasions on the rights of people Intolerable Acts (Boston Meetings Act) 6) They have drafted several documents to be sent to the king beseeching him to change the laws. 7) He ignored them and in return instituted harsher laws. 8) As a result of their ignorance, they must agree to separate. 9) They were willing to be tried and instantly hanged for their independence. As a result of the king declaring the colonies in a state of rebellion, they are all guilty of treason and as a result will be hanged.

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