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The Old Man and the Sea The Little Prince To Kill a Mockingbird Harry Potter The Adventures

of Huckleberry Finn Lord of the Flies Of Mice and Men Animal Farm The Hobbit The Chronicles of Narnia The Scarlet Letter 1984 Lord of the Rings Alices Adventures in Wonderland Twilight Fahrenheit 451 Little Women The The Vinci Code The Grapes of Wrath Frankenstein A Tale of Two Cities Jane Eyre Brave New World Wuthering Heights Dracula One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Gone With the Wind Slaughterhouse-Five The Kite Runner The Wind in the Willows The Color Purple The Picture of Dorian Gray Enders Game Heart of Darkness All Quiet on the Western Front Watership Down A Clockwork Orange The Three Musketeers Les Misrables Don Quixote Dune Siddhartha Crime and Punishment A Farewell to Arms The Jungle Invisible Man Life of Pi The Bell Jar The Handmaids Tale For Whom the Bell Tolls

Ulysses David Copperfield The Good Earth The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time East of Eden His Dark Materials Lolita The Stranger Atlas Shrugged Tess of the DUbervilles Anna Karenina On the Road The Fountainhead Beloved The Road War and Peace Stranger in a Strange Land One Hundred Years of Solitude Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Love in the Time of Cholera A Thousand Splendid Suns The Sound and the Fury A Prayer for Owen Meany The Brothers Karamazov Middlesex The Name of the Rose Lonesome Dove A Confederacy of Dunces The Unbearable Lightness of Being Vanity Fair Foundation The Remains of the Day Of Human Bondage Middlemarch The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay The Tin Drum Crash Cold Comfort Farm Possession Midnights Children The Master and Margarita Blood Meridian Underworld Remembrance of Things Past The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman The Glass Bead Game Oscar and Lucinda Disgrace The Leopard

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