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Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi College of Nursing and the Health Sciences 3614 Fundamentals of Caregiving-Skills Check-off Form

Student Name: _______________________________________Semester _______________________ Clinical Instructor: __________________________________________________________________ Skill Asepsis: Handwashing 1 Lab Practice Clinical Check-off Comments

Sterile glove Opening sterile packages Maintain sterile field Isolation Techniques Bedmaking: Occupied, Unoccupied Bedrails and Safety AM care Bed Baths Oral care Catheter Care Restraints 2

Changing gowns with IV lines Cardiovascular Vital Signs BP Pulses- radial, apical Temp- oral, rectal, axillary Respiration Pain Scale Assessment TEDS SCDs Oximetry Activity and Exercise: 3

Body Mechanics: Transfers: Bed to Wheelchair Wheelchair to Bed Bed to Bed Ambulating: Gait belt Crutches Walker Cane Positioning-sidelying, or lateral, Sims, supine, prone, Fowlers, Semi-Fowlers 4

Range of Motion Active Passive Medication Administration Oral-pills, capsules, liquids IM- Z-track, SQ Eye drops and Ear drops Sublingual Topical

Skill Wound Care: Dry, Wet to Dry, Irrigation Measuring-Red Yellow Black (RYB) coding Wound Cultures Drains- j-pratt, hemovac, penrose Ace wraps Urinary elimination: Catheterization

Lab Practice

Clinical Check-off


Male Female Colostomy Care Elimination: Use of a Bedpan Enema Administration- SSE Small Volume Enema Glucose Monitoring (to be done at clinical site) Finger Sticks Use of meters Nutrition: 7

NG tubes and PEG tubes Checking for placement Site management Medication Administration Nutritional supplements Medication Check-off Advance skills: IV Therapy Priming the lines Changing bags IV Pumps_______________________


See medication check off sheet ------

IV starts IV pushes IV secondary medications Central lines care Tracheostomy care O2 Administration: Nasal Cannula Mask Incentive spirometry

Clinical instructors will date and initial each skill as it is successfully performed. If a student is unsuccessful in checking off on a skill at the designated time or demonstrates need for improvement in any skill during patient assignments, re-mediation will be required and the instructor will provide a re-mediation form to the student.



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