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1) Complete o texto com o PAST SIMPLE dos verbos que aparecem entre parnteses.

Last week J ________________ (invite) me to her birthday party. It ________ (was)

difficult to decide what to buy her. In the end,_____________(buy) her a book! When I
___________ (give) her the present, she ____________(open) it immediately and __________
(say) that she really _____________ (like) it.
2) Corrija o erro de PAST SIMPLE nas frases abaixo.
a) Ana buyed some new Summer clothes in the store. ______________________
b) We telled her a story. ______________________________________________
c) I meted my friend at the club last night._________________________________
d) He leaved school at 4:30 yestarday. ___________________________________
e) She cuted her finger with a knife. _____________________________________
f) They eaten hamburgs last night. ______________________________________
g) I spoken to my grandmother on the phone this morning. ___________________
h) The food were not very good.________________________________________
3) Match



) lana
) pijamas
) saia
) escudo
) gravata
) vestidos
) calas
) faca
) martelo
) espada

4) Change to negative and interrogative

a) She called me. (N) ________________________________________________
b) They looked at me. (I) ______________________________________________
c) He discovery penicillin. (N) __________________________________________
d) Thomas Edison invented the telephone. (I) _____________________________
e) An astronaut walked on the moon. (I) __________________________________
f) He received a letter. (N) _____________________________________________
5) Ask questions:
a) What ____________________________? He need some help.
b) Where ___________________________? He lived in Rio.
c) How much ______________________________? It cost 50 reais.
d) Who ___________________________________? She loved her boyfriend.

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