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Schelble 1 Ted Schelble Psych P4 Mrs. Mudlaff 8 May 2012 7 Tips for Freshman Finals 1.

Come up with mnemonic devices to help with retention. Like with the seven deadly sins (W wrath, A avarice, S sloth, P pride, L lust, E envy, G gluttony) = Waspleg, an easier way to remember. 2. Do not simply sit down and study for 8 hours straight; use repetition by rehearsing facts throughout the day. 3. Do not mindlessly learn the terminology of the textbook but rather learn to apply the concepts with your own words and images. 4. If you are having trouble with a particular idea, create mental or physical clues to return to the same place when trying to recall the information. 5. Before going to sleep each night, briefly review the material for the next exam you will take to avoid confusing it with other material for other exams. 6. Make sure you study early and often so you feel prepared for the exam and can get a solid 9 hours of sleep before the test. Sleep and breakfast will let you focus better. 7. Make sure you test yourself beyond just simply reviewing. Quizlet and flashcards are good ways to actually test your ability to recall information and prepare for the test.

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